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DITJEN Perhubungan Laut Disseminates COMMITMENT to PRIORITIZE Sailing SAFETY

30/05/24, 09:10 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-30T02:13:00Z

 - Safety is the main focus in organizing transportation, which in its implementation is influenced by many factors such as nature, facilities, infrastructure and human resources (HR).

As a manifestation of the Ministry of Transportation's commitment, cq the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, in reducing the number of accidents in maritime transportation, through the Directorate of Sea and Coast Guard Units, it is holding a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with academics, practitioners and shipping industry stakeholders.

"To improve safety in transportation, especially sea transportation, strong commitment and collaboration between stakeholders in the world of shipping is needed," said Director of the Sea and Coast Guard Unit, Jon Kenedi, when opening the FGD, Wednesday (29/5/2024), in Balikpapan.

Improving the safety of maritime transportation in Indonesia plays a role in making Indonesian transportation more advanced. For this reason, Jon Kenedi invites stakeholders in the maritime transportation sector to optimize all resources, increase safety actions, and encourage the environment to improve transportation safety.

"This FGD aims to reduce the number of maritime transportation accidents so that it can be achieved, so that the wider community can actively participate in cultivating safe, secure, comfortable and healthy maritime transportation. Because awareness of cultivating transportation safety, especially sea transportation, aims for mutual safety," he said.

Furthermore, Jon Kenedi stated that community collaboration to create mutual safety is very important to work together and work together to prioritize safety in transportation. This is very influential in creating a culture of safety in transportation, especially sea transportation.

This activity is an implementation of Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 6 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Inspection of Ship Accidents and Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 28 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Issuing Sailing Approval Letters and Approval of Ship Activities in Ports.

The activity, which took place on 28-30 May 2024 in Balikpapan, was attended by participants from the Technical Implementation Unit of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation as well as associations, state-owned enterprises and shipping companies totaling 36 people. Apart from that, the event was also attended by resource persons from the KSOP Labuan Bajo Office, Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesian Classification Bureau, DPC INSA Balikpapan and Insurance Correspondence.

In closing, Jon Kenedi also invited all parties present to use the forum as a place to discuss shipping safety issues. As well as being able to provide information to sea transportation users so that awareness of transportation that prioritizes safety can be realized.

(Editor of ISL News/SR/MM/HB).

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  • DITJEN Perhubungan Laut Disseminates COMMITMENT to PRIORITIZE Sailing SAFETY


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