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International Shipping Reopens at Kuala Tanjung Port: Unilever First Container Export

01/05/24, 08:29 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-01T01:30:37Z

 – International shipping will reopen starting April 30 2024 at Kuala Tanjung Port. International shipping activities on the Kuala Tanjung-Port Klang route will become the first international activities at the Kuala Tanjung Multipurpose Terminal in 2024.

The BG Solid 16 ship carrying Unilever Olechemical Indonesia carried out container export activities to Port Klang Malaysia. This activity is Unilever's first export shipment via container because previously it carried out bulk shipments.

The President Director of PT Prima Multi Terminal, Mr. Eko Hariyadi Budiyanto or often called Ehay, said that Unilever's exports using these containers will be carried out routinely every week. "We continue to strive so that international shipping can continue to carry out loading and unloading activities at Kuala Tanjung Port. This activity is a good start in 2024 so that international route ships can continue to operate in Kuala Tanjung," said Ehay.

Previously, Unilever carried out liquid bulk export activities using CPO tankers with a total loading and unloading load up to April 2024 of 27 thousand MT. Meanwhile, Unilever's liquid bulk shipment previously carried 5 thousand MT of Non-Lauric Dfa Blend Hydrogenated to Kandla, India and 3 thousand MT of RBD Palm Stearin in Bulk to Port Qasim, Pakistan using the MT Chemroad Journey V124 ship.

Furthermore, in 2025 Unilever plans to increase production capacity to 300 thousand MT, all of which will go through Kuala Tanjung Port in North Sumatra.

Not only serving domestic loading and unloading activities, as a Hub Port and Multipurpose Terminal, Kuala Tanjung Port also serves international activities for both containers and non-containers such as liquid bulk, general cargo and dry bulk.

(ISL News/Corcom PMT Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • International Shipping Reopens at Kuala Tanjung Port: Unilever First Container Export


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