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PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia/BKI (Persero) Holds Mudik Bersama Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah/2024 Masehi

09/04/24, 11:02 WIB Last Updated 2024-04-09T04:03:11Z

 - PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) as the Lead Holding of BUMN Survey Services "IDSurvey" is holding a joint Mudik Bersama Lebaran Iedul Fitri 2024 which is a Social Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program which will be held on Friday, April 5 2024.

This activity was initiated by the Ministry of BUMN, BKI departed from two locations, namely at Silang Monas (1 bus unit) which was attended directly by the Main Director of IDSurvey PT BKI (Persero), Arisudono Soerono and the BKI (Persero) Head Office Yard with 3 buses. attended by approximately 230 Pemudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri from BKI employees and/or employee families as well as residents around the BKI head office in Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang and Surabaya.

In 2024, a total of 78,000 people really need free homecoming assistance. Maintaining BKI's commitment and mandate in carrying out its Corporate Purpose that "We exist for the safety of your family and mine", BKI is here by providing Bus so that Mudi bersam Lebara / travelers can arrive home to meet their families safely.

Simultaneously, the activities carried out at the BKI head office were attended by the Director of BKI Institutional Relations, Andry Tanudjaja along with the Board of Directors of PT BKI (Persero), the Head of the BKI TJSL Unit, Arif Bijaksana Prawira Negara, the Head of Kebon Bawang Village, Nursetiyono, and the Head of the Kebon Bawang Village RW, Tri Hariviantoyo and several BKI eslon  1 officials.

In his remarks, BKI's Director of Institutional Relations said that this joint Mudik Bersama Lebaran  program is BKI's effort to support safe homecoming and reduce traffic congestion, "IDSurvey is not just a company, but we are here for employees and their families as well as the surrounding community. As is our Corporate Purpose, namely One Family, One Purpose. We also have the same goal as the community, namely continuing to be committed to providing positive benefits. "One of them is through the routine homecoming program," said Andry.

(ISL News Editor/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia/BKI (Persero) Holds Mudik Bersama Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah/2024 Masehi


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