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Pelindo Regional 2 Guarantees Smooth Logistics Flow at Remaining Operating 24/7 During the 2024 Iedul Fitri Holidays

09/04/24, 10:11 WIB Last Updated 2024-04-09T03:22:58Z

 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo Regional 2 guarantees that operational activities in its area will continue to run normally during the Idul Fitri 1445 H holiday on April 8-15 2024

Pelindo Regional 2 as a logistics chain consisting of 12 ports in its region will continue to operate by providing services and ensuring the flow of goods in and out of the port runs smoothly. 

Executive Director 2 Pelindo Regional 2, Drajat Sulistyo said that 12 ports spread across the islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan will continue to operate during the Eid holiday by serving the needs of service users 24 hours 7 days non-stop, the services in question start from ship services , loading and unloading of goods, stacking of goods, providing clean water for ships and other supporting services.

Drajat added that service users do not need to worry about public holidays that have been determined by the government, operational activities will continue to run during the Eid holiday, because 12 ports in the Pelindo Regional 2 working area have implemented systems and use digital device applications, both on the sea side and on the land side which includes port terminals, warehouses and other supporting areas

Using digital devices from the sea side, Pelindo Regional 2 utilizes Inaportnet technology as well as other digital applications such as VMS or Phinnisi, MOS, SIMOP for anchoring, pilot boat, tugboat, kepil and mooring activities.

Meanwhile, digital devices from the land side provide the TOS Container and TOS Non-Container applications, for loading and unloading activities and moving goods, while in several other supporting areas, the Behandle Operating System, Warehouse Operating System and Autogate System applications are already being used.

For external parties, especially service users, since several years ago Pelindo Regional 2 has introduced an e-Service platform which makes online services easier. These e-services include registration services, e-booking, e-billing, e-tracking, e-payment, and customer complaints (e-care).

"Through digital devices that have been integrated with current operational activities, it is hoped that logistics distribution during the Eid holiday in the Pelindo Regional 2 area can run well and smoothly," added Drajat.

(ISL News Editorial/Pelindo Regional Public Relations 2/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).   

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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Guarantees Smooth Logistics Flow at Remaining Operating 24/7 During the 2024 Iedul Fitri Holidays


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