JAKARTA (ISL News) In order to welcome the implementation of Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 H, the Ministry of Transportation cq Directorate General of Sea Transportation held a Coordination Meeting for the Implementation of Lebaran Iedul Fitri Sea Transport. The meeting was attended by 300 participants from various circles, including representatives from Ministries/Institutions, UPT DJPL, BUMN, Associations and Shipping Companies.
This meeting aims to strengthen coordination between officers, related agencies, service providers and associations directly involved in organizing sea transportation at this important moment.
"Considering that it is predicted that there will be an increase in people's movements this year, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation has prepared careful planning in managing traffic management. This is done with the aim of avoiding accumulation of passengers during homecoming and return flows," said the Director of Sea Transportation. Capt, Antoni Arif Priadi in his speech when opening the Coordination Meeting, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/3/2024).
Capt. Antoni revealed that as part of these preparations, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation is taking an active role in preparing for Lebaran Iedul Fitri transportation in 2024 using sea transportation services. This step was taken to ensure the safety and health of passengers, ship crew and port officers, while still implementing health protocols.
"Apart from that, one of the initiatives being held is the Free Homecoming for Motorcycles and Free Tickets program. This program will run from March 25 to April 9 2024 for Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri, and April 12 to 25 2024 for returning/Arus Balik," he said.
Support for organizing sea transportation
Capt. Antoni revealed that the concrete steps taken to support the implementation of Lebaran Iedul Fitri Sea Transportation in 2024 include ensuring that the entire fleet of ships is in a seaworthy condition by carrying out ship seaworthiness tests on all ships operating in their respective work areas.
Then establish a 2024 Lebaran Iedul Fitri Sea Transport service post in each work area by involving relevant agencies and stakeholders at the port, and report progress every day to the Head Office Post of the Directorate General of Transportation.
"Increasing supervision of shipping safety and security and coordinating with relevant agencies and stakeholders, including the local BMKG to disseminate weather forecasts to the maritime community," he said.
Optimizing fleet potential in each area, especially sections with the highest number of passengers on mudik lebaran/Arus Balik to reduce passenger buildup.
Updating/updating the latest information on ship arrival/departure schedules either at the port or via social media, as well as selling tickets online well in advance to avoid congestion at the port.
Supervise the control of passenger capacity on board the ship by providing dispensations according to safety aspects conveyed by the operator before the monitoring period. As well as coordinating with relevant agencies in their respective regions regarding the Operational Plan for Providing Lebaran Iedul Fitri Transport in 2024.
"With commitment, coordination and integrity, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation together with all stakeholders strives to ensure that the 2024 Mudik Lebaran Sea Transport can run well and successfully," he concluded.
Free Homecoming
On the same occasion, the Director of Sea Traffic and Transportation, Capt. Hendri Ginting explained that in order to support the mobility of travelers ahead of the 2024 Lebaran Iedul Fitri celebrations, his party has initiated the Free Motorcycle Mudik Gratis program as well as the distribution of Free Tickets for sea transportation. This program aims to reduce the rate of motorbike accidents on the highway during the Mudik Lebaran period and reduce the burden on the highway that occurs due to high mobility.
"On the Jakarta - Semarang Free Mudik Lebaran for Motorcycles section, as many as 9,600 passengers and 4,800 motorbikes will get free access to travel home. The registration process for this free Mudik Lebaran program can be done via the official website mudikgratis.dephub.go.id," he said.
Apart from that, the Ministry of Transportation also provides the public with the opportunity to get free sea transportation tickets. A total of 49 free ticket sections have been spread throughout Indonesian ports, with a total of 39,289 free passenger tickets. To register and get this free ticket, the public can directly contact the shipping operator CP appointed by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation.
With a total of 48,889 economy passengers and 4,800 motorbikes spread across 50 port routes, it is hoped that this program can provide convenience and support for travelers on their journey to their hometowns.
"The Free Mudik Lebaran and Free Ticket Program is the government's real effort to support community mobility and improve safety and welfare during the Lebaran Iedul Fitri/mudik period in 2024. Hopefully this program can provide great benefits for all travelers, and may their journey be filled with safety and blessings,"he concluded.
(ISL News Editorial/HUBLA Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).