SURABAYA (ISL News) - Coinciding with the holy month of Ramadhan 1445 H, Friday 22 March 2024 PT Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) held a compensation event for 141 orphans in the Ring 1 Area of Teluk Lamong Terminal which is located at the Tambak Sarioso Village Office, Surabaya. The ring 1 area includes Tambak Sarioso Village, Tambak Osowilangun Village, and Romokalisari Village.
The event, which was attended by the Management of Teluk Lamong Terminal, the Head of Asemrowo District, officials from 3 sub-districts as well as the Community Communication Association for the Development of the Teluk Lamong Multipurpose Terminal Area, was not only part of the Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) program to build togetherness between the company and the surrounding community but also is a program that is in line with the government program, Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) to reduce social inequality.
In his remarks, the Corporate Secretary of TTL, Syaiful Anam, explained that this activity is a series of Pelindo's Sharing Ramadhan 1445 H programs. "This program is a form of concern for the Teluk Lamong Terminal towards the surrounding community by sharing happiness with our younger siblings and is an opportunity for the company to seek blessings in this month. "This Ramadan is holy," he said.
Teluk Lamong Terminal has implemented this orphanage compensation program periodically every year since the company was founded until now, and it has been proven that this program can make the relationship between the company and local residents more harmonious and warmer. This is in line with TTL's goal so that the company can continue to grow together with the community and provide great benefits to the surrounding community.
Also present was the Head of Asem Rowo Subdistrict, Muhammad Khusnul Amin, who expressed his appreciation for the ongoing compensation program carried out by TTL. "Thank you to TTL for implementing this excellent social program. I hope that this activity can become a movement to be more caring and empathetic towards those in need, not only orphans but also the poor." said Amin,
Teluk Lamong Terminal continues to strive to carry out its commitment to always be in the midst of the community and make a major contribution to increasing the welfare and independence of the community.
(Editorial ISL News/Corcom TTL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).