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25/03/24, 16:06 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-25T09:07:07Z

 - In March 2024, cruise ships have docked 4 times at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya. This time, Ms Seven Seas Navigator arrived at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, on Sunday (24/03), precisely at 08.00 WIB, having previously docked at Celukan Bawang, Bali.

The busy arrival schedule of cruise ships in recent years has proven that Surabaya is one of the cities that is attractive to international tourists. Ms Seven Seas Navigator is a cruise ship that has a GRT (Gross Tonnage) of 28,803 tons and a LOA (Length Over All) of 170 meters and is flagged by the Bahamas.

The Ms Seven Seas Navigator cruise ship this time carried 476 passengers and 364 crew members. This ship, which previously came to Tanjung Perak Harbor at the end of 2023, is the 7th cruise ship to dock since the beginning of 2024. Pelindo Sub Regional 3 Java, in collaboration with the Surabaya City government, has prepared various welcomes for cruise ship tourists, including the Reog Ponorogo Dance. , souvenir shops, batik, and also various East Javanese food and drinks provided through MSME outlets, and there is a money changer to make it easier for foreign tourists to exchange money.

General Manager of Kalimas and GSN Pelindo Regional 3 Java Sub-Regional, Dhany Rachmad Agustian, said that the busy arrival schedule for cruise ships approaching the 2024 Eid homecoming moment did not disrupt homecoming services at all and the Port of Tanjung Perak ensured that the port conditions remained safe and did not disturb incoming passengers. make a homecoming trip via Tanjung Perak Port.

"The arrival schedule for cruise ships at Tanjung Perak Port from the end of 2022 until now is quite busy, there are even cruise ships that arrive two days in a row. In March alone, 4 cruise ships have docked, but this has not at all disrupted the Eid homecoming service which will take place on D-15 of Eid 2024 and this is the last cruise ship arrival in March and the next cruise ship schedule will be at the beginning. "Next November," said Dhany.

During the visit of the Ms Seven Seas Navigator cruise ship, tourists were seen enthusiastic in capturing moments with Cak & Ning Suroboyo and the tourists were also enthusiastic about shopping at the MSME outlet which provided various kinds of unique Indonesian souvenirs. For tourists who will continue their tour to historical tourist attractions in East Java, such as touring several tourist points in Surabaya, including Kampung Lawas Maspati, Tugu Pahlawan, and Jalan Tunjungan to the Trowulan Museum, Mojokerto, buses and several cars have been provided by tour and travel services to transport foreign tourists. And various other vehicle options are also provided, such as online taxis in collaboration with the Grab company to take tourists around various destinations before they continue their journey at 18.00 WIB (24/03) to Tanjung Emas Harbor, Semarang. 

(ISL news editor/PR Regional Head 3 Surabaya/email: Islnewstv@gmail.com).








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