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Pelindo Regional Head 3 Surabaya Invites Port Stakeholders to Discuss Preparations for the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 2024

09/03/24, 10:53 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-09T03:57:53Z

 - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 3 Sub Regional Java held a Coffee Morning with Stakeholders in the Tanjung Perak Port working area with the theme "Preparing Pelindo to Welcome the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 2024 & Returning Flows". The event was packaged in a relaxed atmosphere with musical accompaniment which added to the friendly atmosphere that existed in the Bromo Room, Floor V, Pelindo Regional Office 3, Surabaya on Thursday (07/03/2024).

Apart from being attended by leaders of subholdings and subsidiaries of the Pelindo Group, this Coffee Morning activity was also attended by representatives of stakeholders in the Tanjung Perak Port area including the Head of the Tanjung Perak Main KSOP Office, Head of the Class II Gresik KSOP Office, Head of the Tanjung Perak Class I Navigation District, Main Base Commander Indonesian Navy (Danlantamal) V, Head of the Tanjung Perak Port Resort Police (KP3), Head of the East Java Fish and Plant Animal Quarantine Center, Head of the Tanjung Perak Customs Intermediate Type KKPBC Office, Head of the Class I Immigration Office of Tanjung Perak Port, Head of the Tanjung District Prosecutor's Office Perak, Head of the Surabaya Health Quarantine Center, Director of Water and Water Police of the East Java Regional Police / Water Police and Main Air Police Unit, as well as heads of association companies in the Tanjung Perak Port area such as Chairman of DPC INSA Surabaya, Chairman of DPC INSA Gresik, Chairman of DPW ALFI/ILFA East Java, Chairman DPC ALFI/ILFA Gresik, Chair of BPD GINSI East Java, Chair of DPD GPEI East Java, Chair of DPW APBMI East Java, Chair of DPC APBMI Gresik, Chair of Tanjung Perak Port Organda, Chair of Organda Gresik, Chair of DPC APTRINDO Surabaya, and Chair of DPC APTRINDO Gresik.

This activity aims to be an effort to establish friendship and strengthen relationships with stakeholders so that they can commit to improving service to customers as well as increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations and increasing the competitiveness of Pelindo Regional 3.

Apart from discussing preparations to welcome the  Mudik Lebaran iedul Fitri 2024, this event was also a moment to welcome Ardhy Wahyu Basuki, who previously served as Regional Head 3 of Pelindo Regional 3 and will take up a new position as Pelindo Corporate Secretary. Furthermore, Ali Sodikin, who previously served as Sub Regional Head Java Pelindo Regional 3, has now replaced Ardhy Wahyu Basuki as Regional Head 3 Pelindo Regional 3 which has changed its name to Executive Director Pelindo Regional 3.

"I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to continue Mr. Ardhy's duties as the new Executive Director of Pelindo Regional 3. "I understand that the task that Mr. Ardhy has carried out is not easy and to continue it, I ask for support and cooperation from all stakeholders in carrying out this mandate," said Ali Sodikin in his speech.

Ardhy Wahyu Basuki took up his position as Corporate Secretary of Pelindo 3 in 2019. And in 2021, Ardhy Wahyu Basuki took over as Regional Head 3 at PT Pelindo Regional 3 until early 2024.

At this Coffee Morning activity, Ardhy Wahyu Basuki also expressed his hopes for the future that Pelindo Regional 3 can grow and develop together with stakeholders and make the Pelindo company even more superior and trustworthy.

"I am confident that with good cooperation and synergy between Pelindo Regional 3 and stakeholders, we can achieve the common goal of making Pelindo Regional 3 a superior and trusted company," said Ardhy Wahyu Basuki, Pelindo Corporate Secretary during his speech.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tanjung Perak Main Harbormaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP), Capt. Heru Susanto, said that this Coffee Morning activity also discussed efforts to improve the security system & passenger services at Tanjung Perak Port when welcoming the homecoming & returning moments for Eid 2024. .

The Tanjung Perak Main Harbormaster and Port Authority (KSOP) Office has also made various preparations at the Port such as manning, safety equipment and all the possibilities that will be faced during the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 2024.

"We have prepared several modes of sea transportation, including approximately 39 fleets consisting of 10 passenger ships, 31 Ro-Ro passenger ships, and 4 pioneer ships from 7 ship operators which are 100% ready to operate and have carried out docking and ramp checks beforehand . so it is certain that it can carry up to thousands of passengers. "Apart from that, we have also checked the health facilities on board the ship where the operator has prepared qualified crew members who are ready to serve passengers," added Capt. Heru Susanto.

"I appreciate Pelindo for its commitment and efforts in providing optimal service so as to increase public confidence in the comfort of using sea transportation. "This step not only supports Pelindo's business growth, but also has a positive impact on the quality of service and welfare of the surrounding community," added Capt. Heru Susanto, KSOP Utama Tanjung Perak Surabaya.

Bambang Hasbullah, Sub Regional Head of Java Regional 3 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) also said that his party would prepare various facilities at Tanjung Perak Port to welcome the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 2024, including the preparation of various security and comfort facilities, as well as health for prospective homecoming travelers and depart from each passenger terminal.

"A number of facilities that will be prepared later include increasing the comfort of the passenger waiting room, the availability of body temperature checking equipment, a lactation room, the addition of check-in counters and the addition of guard officers and CCTV to ensure security for prospective travelers," said Bambang.

This Coffee Morning activity ran smoothly and closed with a group photo and friendly event. And it is hoped that this event can build strong relationships between Pelindo Group and related stakeholders.

(Editor of ISL News/Regional Public Relations Head 3 Pelindo Surabaya).  


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  • Pelindo Regional Head 3 Surabaya Invites Port Stakeholders to Discuss Preparations for the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 2024


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