BEKASI (ISL News) - Sadai Harbor, also known as Bangka Belitung Harbor, is currently a vital transportation access for the people of Bangka Belitung Province. This is because Sadai Port is a berthing facility for ships carrying out loading and unloading activities for container and bulk transport.
Apart from that, Sadai Harbor is also used for passenger ship activities, as a transportation access for the people of South Bangka who are going to Belitung Island and other small islands in the districts of Bangka Belitung Province such as Lepar Island and Pongok Island.
Considering this important role, the government will immediately determine the shipping channel entering Sadai Port, Bangka Belutung Province. This was conveyed by the Director of Navigation, Capt. Budi Mantoro when opening the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Determining Shipping Routes Entering Sadai Port, Bangka Belitung Province, at the Amarosa Hotel Bekasi, Thursday (7/3/2024)
Capt. Budi Mantoro also said that based on the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number. 432 of 2017 concerning the National Port Master Plan (RIPN) and its amendments, the hierarchy of Sadai Port is as a Collecting Port (PP), which is located in Tukak Sadai District, South Bangka Regency or on the southeast side of Pangkal Balam Harbor.
"According to the results of a hydro-oceanographic survey carried out by a team from the Palembang Type A Class I Navigation District, data has been obtained on shipping lanes entering shipping, where Sadai Harbor has a depth varying from 3 to 25 meters LWS, a channel length of 16 Nm or 30 Km, "150 meters wide, and the established route system is a two-way route," said Capt. Budi Mantoro.
Furthermore, Capt. Budi Mantoro explained that appropriate and effective shipping lanes will provide great benefits, both for sailors who traverse the waters and for entire communities who depend on port activities and the surrounding waters. By properly managing shipping lanes, we will see an increase in the efficiency of distribution of goods and services, a reduction in logistics costs, as well as new opportunities for the tourism sector and other industries.
"More than that, safe and secure shipping lanes will help maintain the sustainability of our marine environment, maintain biodiversity, and reduce negative impacts on the maritime ecosystem," said Capt. Budi Mantoro.
Capt. Budi Mantoro also said that the arrangement of shipping channels entering Sadai Port should be implemented and immediately determined through a Decree of the Minister of Transportation in order to obtain ideal shipping channels and fulfill various aspects of safety and smooth navigation and protect the preservation of the maritime environment.
"This is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping, where the government has the obligation to determine shipping lane corridors, route systems, traffic procedures and ship anchoring areas in accordance with its interests," he said.
For that reason, Capt. Budi Mantoro requested that this FGD be a very appropriate forum to discuss and discuss potentials, challenges and the best solutions in designing safe and efficient shipping channels at Sadai Port, Bangka Belitung Province.
This FGD also provides an opportunity for experts, stakeholders and maritime experts to share their knowledge, experience and views regarding the plan for determining shipping channels entering Sadai Port so that the discussions we have today will become an important basis for making decisions that will influence the future of this port.
"Through collaboration between the government, stakeholders and the community, we must ensure that the establishment of shipping channels entering Sadai Port not only meets current needs, but can also face future challenges that we may face. "Determining shipping lanes is only the beginning of a long journey towards increasing prosperity and sustainable progress," concluded Capt. Budi Mantoro.
This time, the FGD presented resource persons from the Palembang Type A Class I Navigation District, regarding the Hydro-Oceanographic Survey in the context of plans to determine shipping channels entering Sadai Port, the Directorate of Ports regarding data and information support for the Sadai Port development plan, Pushidrosal regarding the importance of describing shipping channels entering Sadai Harbor on the Indonesian Sea Map, and practitioners in the field of Navigation.
The FGD participants came from representatives from the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation, Pushidrosal, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, KKP, BIG, representatives from Directorates and Sections within the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Head of Type A Navigation District Class I Palembang, UPP Class III Sadai Office, Department of Transportation and Bangka Belitung Province Maritime and Fisheries Service, representatives of Navigation Districts throughout Indonesia, both offline and online.
(Editor of ISL News/Marine Transportation/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).