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31/03/24, 11:07 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-31T04:09:17Z

 – On Saturday, March 30 2024, at the Lampung Regional Police Rupatama room, a Cross-Sectoral Coordination Meeting was held regarding Security Preparedness for Eid al-Fitr 1445 H in 2024 in Lampung Province.

The meeting was chaired directly by the Lampung Regional Chief, Inspector General. Pol. Helmy Santika, SH, S.IK., M.Sc. attended by the Governor of Lampung, represented by Assistant 1 of Lampung Province, the Main Officer of the Lampung Regional Police, all Police Chiefs in the Lampung Province region, the Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Service, GM ASDP, Forkopimda of Lampung Province and Maritime Elements of Lampung Province. This meeting is aimed at coordinating the readiness of Lampung Province in facing Eid al-Fitr 1445 H from various sectors, both sea, land and air.

Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang, which was attended directly by General Manager Imam Rahmiyadi, had the opportunity to convey the readiness of Regional Port 2 Panjang to face the Mudik Lebaran Hari raya Idul Fitri 1445 H in 2024.

"In accordance with the assignment from the Government to become an alternative port that serves Mudik Lebaran travelers, we are ready to support the Mudik Lebaran Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1445 H/2024. We have prepared various facilities, namely Pier C with a length of 375 M with a depth of -7 to -11 M LWS, 3 units of Pandu motorbikes and "4 units of tugboats for Guiding and Towing and berthing ships," said Imam Rahmiyadi.

Apart from that, Imam continued, a supporting area is provided, namely field 005 D (buffer area) with an area of ​​13,652 M2 which can accommodate a total of more than a thousand vehicles for homecoming travelers.

"Meanwhile, to ensure that passengers remain safe, comfortable, healthy and smooth during the Mudik Lebaran Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1445 H/2024. Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang also provides other facilities such as a passenger waiting room, prayer room, lactation room, portable toilets and tents. "Even additional waiting rooms have been prepared in anticipation of an increase in the number of passengers, including additional security personnel, as our commitment to providing 24/7 service," said Imam Rahmiyadi.

"We as Port Operators are always ready to face and serve Mudik Lebaran Idul Fitri travelers who will enter Lampung Province via Panjang Port or vice versa, by always coordinating with KSOP Class I Panjang and the Lampung Provincial Government to the TNI/Polri and other Forkopimda and Maritime elements so that the Mudik Lebaran Idul Fitri  and traffic flows Returning home in 2024 will be safe and comfortable for travelers, according to the slogan released by the Ministry of Transportation in 2024, namely "Homecoming is cheerful, full of meaning," added Imam Rahmiyadi.

The meeting closed with an Iftar event to further increase synergy and collaboration between Forkompimda and stakeholders related to Lampung Province.

(Editor of ISL News/Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • PELINDO Regional 2 PANJANG IS Ready To Serve THE Flow Of MUDIK HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI 1445 H/2024


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