JAKARTA (ISL News) – Welcoming the Mudik Lebaran Hari Raya Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah/2024, PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL through PT Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways (PT CTP) has carried out a series of preparations on the Cibitung – Cilincing Toll Road (JTCC).
Preparations made include checking road conditions, operational readiness in the traffic sector, and transaction service readiness, as well as continuing to coordinate with relevant stakeholders .
"Facing the Eid homecoming flow in 2024, we will continue to make intensive preparations. "So that it can support safe, smooth and comfortable travel for the community," said SVP SPSL Corporate Secretariat, Kiki M Hikmat.
For traffic service readiness, JTCC has prepared facilities and a fleet of traffic service units including 3 (three) towing vehicles, 3 (three) mobile customer service vehicles , 1 (one) Kamtib Task Force vehicle, 2 (two) units ambulance, 1 ( one) rescue vehicle, and 2 Highway Patrol vehicles.
Meanwhile, for transaction service readiness, currently the substation operations have been completed, the operation of mobile readers and EDC machines, the fulfillment of toll collector officers, and the fulfillment of toll equipment technician officers.
For your information, there are no restrictions on large vehicles at JTCC during the period of Ramadan and Idul Fitri. Apart from that, JTCC is still continuing the discount rates as follows:
- Cibitung – Telaga Asih
- Group I: Rp5.500,-, no change
- Group II & III: Rp. 8,000,-, no change
- Class IV & V: Rp. 10,500,-, no change
- Cibitung – Cork
- Group I: Rp25,500,-, no change
- Group II & III: Rp. 38,000,-, no change
- Class IV & V: Rp. 50,500,-, no change
- Cibitung – Tarumajaya
- Category I: Rp. 54,000,-, discount to Rp. 48,000,-
- Class II & III: Rp. 81,000,-, discount to Rp. 54,000,-
- Class IV & V: Rp. 107,500,-, discount to Rp. 60,000,-
- Cibitung – Cilincing
- Category I: Rp. 68,500,-, discount to Rp. 48,000,-
- Class II & III: Rp. 102,500,-, discount to Rp. 54,000,-
- Class IV & V: Rp. 136,500,-, discount to Rp. 65,000,-
- Telaga Asih – Cork
- Group I: Rp20.000,-, no change
- Group II & III: Rp. 30,000,-, no change
- Class IV & V: Rp. 40,000,-, no change
- Telaga Asih – Tarumajaya
- Category I: IDR 48,500,-, discount to IDR 45,000,-
- Class II & III: Rp. 73,000,-, discount to Rp. 54,000,-
- Class IV & V: Rp. 97,000,-, discount to Rp. 60,000,-
- Telaga Asih – Cilincing
- Category I: IDR 63,000,-, discount to IDR 45,000,-
- Class II & III: Rp. 94,500,-, discount to Rp. 54,000,-
- Class IV & V: Rp. 126,000,-, discount to Rp. 65,000,-
- Cork – Tarumajaya
- Group I: Rp28,500,-, no change
- Group II & III: Rp. 43,000,-, no change
- Class IV & V: Rp. 57,000,-, no change
- Cork – Cilincing
- Group I: Rp43.000,-, no change
- Class II & III: Rp. 64,500,-, discount to Rp. 54,000,-
- Class IV & V: Rp. 86,000,-, discount to Rp. 65,000,-
- Tarumajaya – Cilincing
- Group I: Rp 14,500,-, no change
- Group II & III: Rp21.500,-, no change
- Class IV & V: Rp. 29,000,-, no change
Ari Sunaryono, President Director of PT CTP said, The implementation of this fare discount is a form of service and appreciation for road users who will cross the JTCC. "We also urge road users to always be careful and be able to anticipate their journey, ensure their vehicle is in prime condition, have sufficient electronic money balance, fill up with fuel before starting the journey, and ensure the driver is in optimal condition,"
For information regarding the 2024 Eid homecoming via the JTCC route and emergencies, the public can contact the numbers below:
- Info Call Center JTCC : (021) 8952 6545
- RS Hermina Grandwis : 021 – 8265 1212
- Karya Medika Hospital 1 : 021 – 8903 00304
- DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT Bekasi: 021 – 8911 3855
- Bekasi Metro Police: 021 – 8911 4933
- West Cikarang POLSEK: 021 – 8832 3550
- West Cikarang DAMKAR: 021 – 2213 7870
- DAMKAR District. Bekasi: 021 – 8911 9000
(Editor of ISL News/Corcom SPSL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).