Iklan Top Header PT BKI (Persero)




30/03/24, 09:04 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-30T02:05:23Z

 PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim (SPJM), one of the subholdings of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo Group supports the needs of the community, through the Pelindo Sharing Ramadhan program this year.

For the Pelindo Jasa Maritime Subholding which is headquartered in Makassar, the assistance program is provided in the area closest to the port. SPJM has coordinated with the South Sulawesi Province Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Coordination Forum. This forum is a forum formed by the South Sulawesi Provincial Government to optimize the participation and focus of the Company's social and environmental assistance so that it is more focused and complete and accountability is maintained.

"The aim of Pelindo Sharing Ramadhan in 2024 is as a form of PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim's concern and responsibility for disadvantaged communities, which are many around the port," said Tubagus Patrick Tribudi Utama Iskandar, Corporate Secretary of SPJM.

Furthermore, Patrick said, "The SPJM family intends to help brothers and sisters who are in need, because of course we as religious people are obliged to glorify and make others happy."

This is how this goal is implemented, one of which is in the work program carried out as part of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) in this sharing program.

Assistance was provided to some residents who live in Wajo District, especially Cambayya sub-district, firefighters, street vendors at the Paotere Harbor Area were the recipients of this assistance. Not to forget, online motorcycle taxi (ojol) drivers, pedicab drivers, as well as homeless people who are poor and beg for their daily lives will also be targeted by this assistance.

The aid was handed over symbolically by the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of SPJM, Rachmat Prayogi on Tuesday, March 26 2024 at the Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar Office Building.

"The aid distributed in the holy month of Ramadhan is 1,000 packages consisting of basic daily necessities such as rice, sugar, cooking oil, margarine, flour and drinks like tea bags," explained Patrick, explaining the contents of the aid from SPJM.

Patrick added, "Apart from that, it is also given in the form of compensation to 3 orphanages and distribution of takjil."

Especially for takjil, it has been distributed ahead of iftar to tronton drivers and residents passing around the port area (25/3/2024).

"Management hopes that this program can provide benefits that can be felt by brothers and sisters who really need it, can ease the burden by fulfilling some of their needs," said Patrick.

"Please pray for the Pelindo Group so that it will always be a useful company, and continue to grow and accelerate both in terms of revenue, profit and capacity," hoped Patrick.

(Editorial ISL News/Corcom SPJM/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Bulan Penuh Berkah, PELINDO JASA MARITIM carries out a RAMADHAN 1445 H SHARING PROGRAM


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