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Indra Hidayat Sani Serves as Main Director of PTP Non-Petikemas

06/03/24, 17:55 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-06T10:58:25Z

 At the beginning of March 2024, there were changes to the Board of Directors at a number of PT Pelindo (Persero) subsidiaries, including changes and changes to the positions of the Directors of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, which is known as the PTP Nonpetikemas business brand.

A number of members of the Board of Directors of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (PTP NonPetikemas), namely Indra Hidayat Sani, received the mandate as Main Director replacing Rino Wisnu Putro, then Kalbar Yanto served as Director of Operations replacing Dwi Rahmad Toto, while Dwi Rahmad Toto himself changed his position to Director of Commercial and Business Development .

The extended family of PTP Non-Container Packaging would like to welcome and welcome the new Board of Directors and express their deepest gratitude to the management staff whose term of service has ended for their contribution and dedication to PTP Non-Container Packaging.

Hopefully this change will make PTP Non-Container to realize its vision of becoming the Leader of Non-Container Terminal Operators in Indonesia.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Indra Hidayat Sani Serves as Main Director of PTP Non-Petikemas


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