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Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways or PT CTP Tollways Toll Manager Distributes Hundreds of Ta'jil for Breaking the Fast for Ramadhan 1945 Hijriah

25/03/24, 15:22 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-25T08:26:52Z

 – Last Friday, March 22 2024, PT Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways or PT CTP Tollways distributed hundreds of Ta'jil to users of the Cibitung – Cilincing Toll Road. This activity was carried out on Friday 22 March 2024, located at GT Marunda.

This Free Ta'jil distribution program is a very routine thing carried out by the team during the month of Ramadan, as a form of appreciation and thanks to users of the Cibitung – Cilincing Toll Road. 

The Cibitung – Cilincing Toll Road provides many conveniences for logistics vehicles from the Tj Port area. "Priok to industrial areas in the East and vice versa, besides that of course it also serves the flow of passenger vehicles connected to JORR at the Cilincing Interchange," said Yaya Ruhiya, Technical Director of PT CTP Tollways.

(Editor of ISL News/CorcomSPSL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).  


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  • Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways or PT CTP Tollways Toll Manager Distributes Hundreds of Ta'jil for Breaking the Fast for Ramadhan 1945 Hijriah


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