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IPCC Cares Continues to Commit to Realizing Priority Programs

25/03/24, 15:01 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-25T08:04:57Z


 - IPCC is committed to providing a positive impact on the surrounding environment consistently and sustainably through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program as a corporate effort to maintain good relations with society and the community.

In implementing the TJSL program, the Company uses a triple bottom lines approach, namely planet, people and profit, where efforts are made to protect the surrounding environment (planet) and maintain balance in social life (people) and in line with the growth of company profits (profit). This approach includes economic, environmental and social performance. It is hoped that the existence of the company will not only be beneficial for shareholders, but will fulfill and meet the expectations of stakeholders.

IPCC Care Priority Programs include :

The IPCC English Program For Indonesia education

is a basic English training/course program for grade 3 SMA/equivalent students in all provinces in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke and from Miangas to Rote. A total of 100 students took part in intensive 3-month English language training/courses and were given training certificates as a portfolio preparation for Indonesian human resources in facing global competition in the future.


IPCC Environment
consistently carries out free emissions tests for vehicles leaving and entering the IPCC work environment. Apart from that, IPCC also consistently reforests the Company's areas by planting trees and maintaining them regularly as well as planting Mangrove trees in areas that require environmental protection in coastal areas.


UMK (Usaha Kecil Menengah) Development Program

IPCC fosters woven and woven craftsmen in the East Nusa Tenggara area to produce exclusive Company souvenirs/souvenirs made from woven and woven products. This program collaborates with one of Pelindo Group's subsidiaries as a form of company collaboration.

Company Secretariat:

PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk. Jl. Sindang Laut No. 100, Cilincing - North Jakarta 14110

Telepon: +62 21 4393 2251 Customer Service/Whistle Blowing: ID +62 811 933 9930/+62 21 4393 2251 ext 211 Fax: +62 21 4393 2250 E-Mail: corsec@indonesiacarterminal.co.id


(ISL News Editor//email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • IPCC Cares Continues to Commit to Realizing Priority Programs


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