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IPC Terminal Container or IPC TPK Improves Services by SIGNING a Commitment WITH Stakeholders

28/02/24, 17:12 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-28T12:42:02Z

 IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK, a subsidiary of Pelindo Terminal Petikemas, continues to innovate in providing added value for service users. IPC TPK Teluk Bayur area in collaboration with 5 shipping companies and Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur signed a joint commitment in order to realize smooth loading and unloading services at IPC TPK Teluk Bayur Area.

"We encourage the involvement of port stakeholders in realizing smooth loading and unloading activities by signing a joint commitment with Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur and 5 Shipping Companies regarding Service Level Guarantee (SLG), Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Berthing Contract." said Guna Mulyana.

The cooperation agreement in question includes providing guarantees for the availability of terminal facilities and performance in accordance with the agreed docking time allocation. This signing was carried out by the General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur, the Area Manager of PT IPC TPK Teluk Bayur Area and 5 shipping companies including Meratus Line, Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines, Temas Shipping, Tanto Intim Line and Pelangi Tunggal Ika Shipping. This signing was witnessed by the DPC INSA Padang Representative and the Main Director of PT IPC TPK.

Teluk Bayur Port is one of the strategic ports in Indonesia and one of the gateways for economic activity in Padang City, West Sumatra. Apart from that, Teluk Bayur Port is also the backbone of the economy of West Sumatra through sea access. Thus, Teluk Bayur Port has a strategic position in supporting the national economy through the smooth flow of goods connected to the logistics ecosystem. West Sumatra has superior agricultural commodities such as gambier, areca nut and cinnamon.

"We will continue to improve IPC TPK Bayur Area services to service users to support economic growth in the West Sumatra region. It is hoped that by signing the commitment we are implementing today we can continue to support entrepreneurs in the West Sumatra region through optimizing terminal services." close Guna Mulyana.

(Editorial ISL News/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • IPC Terminal Container or IPC TPK Improves Services by SIGNING a Commitment WITH Stakeholders


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