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BKI (Persero) Visits the Bandar Victory Shipyard

27/02/24, 15:31 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-27T08:32:41Z

 - PT Bureau Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)/BKI as the holding company of BUMN Survey Services or IDSurvey carried out a visit to the Bandar Victory Shipyard (BVS) Shipyard Company on Friday last week, February 23 2024.

The visit was attended by the Board of Commissioners-IDSurvey Committee team, accompanied by the VP Corporate Secretary, and the Head of the Batam Branch.

On this occasion, the Director of BVS and Dir. The Shipyard warmly welcomed and guided the Visiting Team to the shipyard.

Several ship production processes were demonstrated, such as Tug Boat Pull-Push, Tanker Dock, Landing-Tanker Craft and the tugboat repair process.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • BKI (Persero) Visits the Bandar Victory Shipyard


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