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PMT or PT Prima Multi Terminal Conducts First Aid Drill Activities for Accidents (P3K)

02/02/25, 08:49 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-02T01:49:40Z

 In order to commemorate the 2025 K3 Month with the theme "Strengthening Human Resource Capacity in Supporting the Implementation of the K3 Management System (SMK3) to Increase Productivity", PT Prima Multi Terminal Belawan Port carried out a First Aid Drill (P3K) activity on Thursday (30/1/2025).

It is hoped that this activity can increase awareness of K3 culture for all Port personnel at PT Prima Multi Terminal.

(Redalsi ISL News/Corcom PMT/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • PMT or PT Prima Multi Terminal Conducts First Aid Drill Activities for Accidents (P3K)


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