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Pelindo Regional 2 Makes K3 Month Commemoration a Momentum to Actively Support K3 Culture Development

16/01/25, 13:08 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-16T06:08:51Z


 - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 held a K3 Month Commemoration Ceremony in an effort to implement the Occupational Health and Safety (K3) culture to reduce the number of work accidents in the work area.

The ceremony held on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 in the yard of the Pelindo Regional 2 office is part of a series of K3 Month activities aimed at increasing the awareness of all employees regarding the importance of safety and health in the work environment, especially in the port industry which has high risk potential.

The ceremony was attended by the Head of the Harbor Master's Office of the Tanjung Priok Port Authority, M. Takwim Masuku, ST, M.MT; Executive Director 2 Regional 2 Pelindo, Drajat Sulistyo; President Director of PT Jasa Peralatan Pelabuhan Indonesia, Budi Pratomo; Director of Finance, HR and Risk Management of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal, Wing Megantoro; President Director of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas, Guna Mulyana; Regional Division Head of Operations of Pelindo Regional 2, Wasistianto; Executive General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok, Adi Sugiri, and various operational units of Pelindo Group entities.

Head of the Harbor Master's Office of the Tanjung Priok Port Authority, M. Takwim Masuku, ST, M.MT, in his message as the ceremony instructor said that K3 is not only related to efforts to prevent work accidents, but is also a strategic investment to reduce company losses, improve the quality of life, and strengthen national competitiveness and productivity.

"Let's make the moment of celebrating the National K3 month to strengthen our shared commitment in building a superior and competitive K3 culture, therefore let us together actively support the development of K3 culture in our respective regions and further improve our competence," said M. Takwim Masuku.

On the same occasion, Executive Director 2 Regional 2 Pelindo Drajat Sulistyo said that building a K3 culture cannot be built overnight, this is a long process that requires a mindset, capacity building and the formation of a sustainable system.


Responsibility of Each Individual

Drajat Sulistyo added, "Occupational safety is not only the responsibility of the company, but also the responsibility of every individual involved in port operations, therefore let's make this K3 Month a momentum to strengthen our commitment to creating a safe and healthy work environment."

With the implementation of the ceremony and series of activities during this K3 Month, Pelindo Regional 2 is committed to continuing to maintain and improve occupational safety and health standards in all its operational areas, in order to create a safer, healthier, and more productive work environment for all employees.

Pelindo Regional 2 hopes that all parties, both internal and external, can continue to support this effort to create a better and more sustainable port.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Pelindo Regional 2 Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).  

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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Makes K3 Month Commemoration a Momentum to Actively Support K3 Culture Development


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