JAKARTA TANJUNG PRIOK (ISL News) - The Tanjung Priok KPLP held a closing ceremony for the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year Sea Transportation Coordination POSKO today, Tuesday, January 9, 2024. The ceremony was attended by all members of the Tanjung Priok KPLP.
This ceremony marks the end of the implementation of the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year Sea Transportation Coordination Post which has been running for 22 days, from December 18, 2024 to January 8, 2025. The Tanjung Priok KPLP has carried out supervision and security of shipping activities to ensure the smoothness, comfort, safety and security of sea transportation flows during the Christmas and New Year holidays. The KPLP Base coordinates well and collaboratively with all parties involved in maintaining shipping safety and security.
The closing ceremony was marked by the symbolic release of the supervision and security tires by the Head of the Tanjung Priok KPLP Base, Dr. Triono. The release of the tires signified the completion of the supervision and security duties for shipping during the Christmas and New Year period.
In his message, the Head of the Tanjung Priok KPLP Base, Dr. Triono, expressed his appreciation to all members who have carried out their duties well and with full dedication. "I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations to all members who have carried out their duties safely and smoothly. During the Nataru POSKO, there was no stop from patrol boats, SAR teams, and all members who carried out supervision and maintained security. This success is the result of hard work and extraordinary synergy in the field," he said.
During the POSKO, the KPLP Base carried out supervision and security, such as the Automatic Identification System (AIS), embarkation and disembarkation operations at the port, and shipping lanes in the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS). "We greatly appreciate the performance of the team that maintains supervision of the AIS system, the port, and the TSS which are very vital in maintaining shipping safety. Solid cooperation between patrol ships, SAR teams, and all field officers is the key to success during the Post period," he added.
With the end of the 2024/2025 Christmas and New Year Sea Transportation Coordination POSKO, the Tanjung Priok KPLP will continue to be dedicated in carrying out its duties to ensure the safety and security of Indonesian shipping.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Public Relations of PLP Class 1 Tg. Priok/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).