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IPCC or PT IKT Tbk. Successfully Achieved a 15% Increase in Cargo or 1,057,831 Full Year 2024 Units

21/01/25, 06:55 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-20T23:56:30Z

 - PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IDX:IPCC) has again recorded impressive operational performance. Compared to the previous year, throughout 2024 IPCC managed to achieve an increase in the number of cargo handled by up to 15% or 138,505 units more or 1,057,831 units in the full year 2024.

In addition to cargo performance, the number of ship visits to docks managed by IPCC increased by 42% or 878 visits YoY or a total of 2,978 Calls. The better achievement than last year is the sweet fruit of various transformations carried out by the Company, especially in terms of HR, Digitalization of Operating Systems and Integration of ERP-based financial services in 2024.

Being in the Multi Purpose business cluster under PT Pelindo Multi Terminal (SPMT), IPCC has succeeded in increasing the handling of truck/bus cargo on a consolidated basis by 174,609 units until December 2024, growing by 69.21% YoY.

This growth can be reflected in the high demand for the national scale mass transportation sector, as well as to support the government's program in building a mining downstream ecosystem, one of which is the import of trucks, both fossil fuel-based and environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly electricity-based.

Amidst the decline in domestic car sales figures in 2024 according to GAIKINDO by 14.7% compared to the 2023 period, the Company has successfully recorded positive performance in handling CBU cargo until the December 2024 period of 856,870 units, an increase of 59,733 units or 7.49% YoY.

Interestingly, the growing EV (electric vehicle) ecosystem in Indonesia with the influx of various brands and types from world automotive giants such as China, Korea and various European brands, it was recorded that throughout 2024, IPCC had handled 22,000 CBU EV units with the 3 most brands, namely BYD, VINFAST and AION.

Heavy Equipment cargo performance grew by 7,354 units or increased by 38.71% YoY where until December 2024 it managed to handle 26,352 units. The dominance of the increase in Heavy Equipment cargo occurred at satellite terminals, especially Balikpapan, Belawan and Makassar.

"In an effort to maintain the Company's performance in 2024, transformation and standardization have been successfully planned and executed well, such as improvements to business processes, use of technology, improvements to infrastructure and facilities, revitalization of superstructure and equipment, and supported by the arrangement of HR and organizational structure and strengthening HSSE are the keys to management achieving brilliant achievements, therefore management gives the highest appreciation to all parties, both internal and external, for strategic collaboration," said Sugeng Mulyadi, President Director of IPCC.

In an effort to improve the Company's performance in 2025, Management has set the Company's plans, especially inorganic growth strategies, namely expanding the scope of business other than core, collaborating with business actors, expanding the reach of service areas within the vehicle terminal ecosystem. Furthermore, organic growth strategies include upgrading the terminal status to a dedicated car terminal and strengthening the level of service.

"This year, the management is focused on providing maximum service to service users with various development plans such as: relocation of domestic terminals, land expansion around the Company's area to increase stacking capacity and arrangement of existing stacking yards for PDC/VPC/Port Stock," concluded Endah Dwi, Senior Manager of IPCC Corporate Secretary.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPCC/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • IPCC or PT IKT Tbk. Successfully Achieved a 15% Increase in Cargo or 1,057,831 Full Year 2024 Units


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