TANJUNGPINANG INDONESIA (ISL News) - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo, a state-owned company engaged in the port services sector, continues to demonstrate its commitment and consistency in providing the best service for domestic and international passengers at Sri Bintan Pura Port, Tanjungpinang.
Regarding the developing issue regarding passenger pass rates at the port, Pelindo stated that it respects the results of the discussion at the Public Hearing (RDP) with the Tanjungpinang City DPRD which was held on Monday (20/1).
General Manager (GM) of Pelindo Tanjungpinang Branch, Tonny Hendra Cahyadi said that the tariff adjustment was not a new matter, the submission of which had gone through a long process and was based on several factors within the scope of public services at Sri Bintan Pura Port (SBP).
"We have previously submitted the adjustment of the Sri Bintan Pura Port passenger pass tariff to the Tanjungpinang City DPRD in June 2023 to obtain support and approval. Of course, this adjustment is based on several arrangements at the SBP Tanjungpinang Port, including the arrangement of the parking area, repair of pontoons at the domestic and international terminals, installation of digitalization for passenger services and arrangement of public facilities in the passenger terminal waiting room," explained Tonny.
After the integration of Pelindo in October 2021 until now, Pelindo Tanjungpinang through various arrangements of its facilities has succeeded in recording an increase in embarkation and disembarkation passenger traffic through SBP Port. At the end of 2021, passenger traffic was recorded at 1.002 million passengers and at the end of 2024, a total of 2.013 million passengers was recorded, or an achievement of 200% in a period of four years.
"In principle, we understand that this passenger pass tariff adjustment policy is Pelindo's effort to increase its contribution to the Regional Government through Regional Original Income (PAD) through port pass cooperation," explained the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Tanjungpinang City, Zulhidayat.
Responding to this, Zulhidayat hopes that the adjustment of passenger fares at Sri Bintan Pura Port can be postponed by understanding the current conditions of society.
"Based on the results of the RDP, all factions asked Pelindo not to implement the policy of adjusting passenger fares by considering the current economic recovery conditions," said the Chairman of the Tanjungpinang City DPRD, Agus Djurianto.
Agus added that it is possible for further discussion processes, considering the good communication that has been established between Pelindo, in this case through Pelindo Multi Terminal (SPMT) as a Subholding that manages the operation of the SBP passenger terminal, with BUMD in the framework of cooperation for PAD contributions through optimization of port activities in Tanjungpinang.
"We continue to respect the results of the discussion at the RDP with the Tanjungpinang City DPRD today, and have not implemented the adjustment of passenger pass rates with several considerations. In this condition, we are committed to continuing to provide optimal service for passengers who will be doing activities through SBP Port, Tanjungpinang," concluded Tonny as GM of Pelindo Tanjungpinang Branch.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPMT/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).