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IPCC or IKT Tbk. Welcomes a Number of Investors from Bennix Investor Group

24/01/25, 14:10 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-24T07:11:21Z


 - On January 21, 2025, PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IPCC) proudly welcomed a number of investors from the Bennix Investor Group for a visit to learn more about IPCC's operational patterns and business strategies.

Attended directly by the Director of Operations & Engineering Mr. Bagus Dwipoyono and the Director of Finance, HR & Risk Management Mr. Wing Megantoro. This Site Visit took place at the IPCC Head Office.

During this visit, investors were given a presentation of material covering various company achievements, as well as long-term strategic plans that support IPCC's business growth.

Investors are also given the opportunity to see firsthand the operational processes in the field, starting from vehicle loading and unloading activities, to the implementation of a modern, integrated terminal management system.

This visit is an important moment to strengthen transparency and build trust between IPCC and investors, while also demonstrating the company's commitment to providing high-quality services in the world-class vehicle terminal sector.

IPCC is committed to continuously developing superior and sustainable services, so that it can support the growth of the national and international automotive and logistics industry.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPCC/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • IPCC or IKT Tbk. Welcomes a Number of Investors from Bennix Investor Group


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