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Indra Hidayat Sani, President Director of PTP Non-Petikemas: Let's Realize the Vision of Becoming a Leader of Non-container Operators in Indonesia

30/01/25, 09:02 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-30T02:03:39Z


JAKARTA INDONESIA (ISL News) - With great enthusiasm and pride, we, the management, express our deep appreciation to all PTP Warriors for the hard work and extraordinary contributions that our colleagues have made during 2024.

Welcoming 2025 with the spirit of “A Journey Towards Maritime Ecosystem Leader”, let us synergize together to build a resilient maritime ecosystem.

We encourage all PTP Warriors to be more optimistic in realizing the vision of becoming a leader of non-container operators in Indonesia.

This journey requires cooperation from all of us to make PTP Nonpetikemas a pioneer in non-container terminal services that can provide added value not only for the Company, but also for the Indonesian economy.

Let us make this moment a starting point to continue improving the quality of service, with efficiency, innovation, and business expansion.

Let us journey together towards glorious success in the years to come. 'PTP Nonpetikemas, Beyond Terminal'  

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom PTP Nonpetikemas /email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

Komentar sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab komentator seperti diatur dalam UU ITE. #JernihBerkomentar
  • Indra Hidayat Sani, President Director of PTP Non-Petikemas: Let's Realize the Vision of Becoming a Leader of Non-container Operators in Indonesia


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