JAKARTA INDONESIA (ISL News) – The Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation through the Directorate of Navigation, is implementing a pilot project for the implementation of the Ship Reporting System (SRS) in Indonesian waters. In this step, the Directorate of Navigation collaborates with the Tanjung Priok Class I Sea and Coast Guard Base, Tanjung Priok Main KSOP, Tanjung Priok Navigation District.
The implementation of this activity aims to improve the safety, security of shipping and protection of the maritime environment in Indonesia through monitoring and reporting of ships crossing national waters. In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 4 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Shipping Telecommunications and Ship Traffic Management Services in Indonesian Waters, regulating the implementation of appropriate shipping telecommunications for ships operating in Indonesian waters.
Several ship accidents that occurred in Indonesian waters, especially those involving Indonesian-flagged ships, showed that many ships did not use appropriate shipping telecommunication systems, such as DSC, VHF, EPIRB, Navtex, SART, and other tools that are important for safety. This causes difficulties in carrying out rescue and searching for ships in trouble.
The pilot project for the implementation of the Ship Reporting System (SRS) aims to monitor and record ships sailing throughout Indonesian waters. By using this system, it is expected to improve safety and security as well as protection of the maritime environment and reduce the potential for ship accidents. The SRS is regulated in the Decree of the Director General of Sea Transportation Number 455 of 2024 as a strategic step to strengthen maritime shipping supervision in Indonesian waters.
On that occasion, the Director of Navigation, Capt. Budi Mantoro, M.Sc., M.Mar, Head of Class I Tanjung Priok Sea and Coast Guard Base, Dr. Triono, S.Pel, MM and Representing the Head of Tanjung Priok Main KSOP, Agus Harijanto, ST, MSi and Representing Disnav Tg.Priok, Sri Ida Lumongga, SE, MMTr, conducted an inspection of the shipping telecommunication radio system on ships that were docked at the ports of Tanjung Priok, Sunda Kelapa, and Panjang which were monitored from VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) and in the I-Motion application. This will ensure that the ships comply with applicable regulations in terms of shipping communications and safety.
The Director of Navigation, together with the Head of the Class I Tanjung Priok Sea and Coast Guard Base, the Main KSOP Tanjung Priok, Tanjung Priok Navigation District, immediately conducted a field review of foreign ships and Indonesian-flagged ships that were docked or anchored at Tanjung Priok Port. This step aims to ensure that the ships comply with the provisions for the use of shipping reporting and telecommunications systems in accordance with applicable regulations.
Head of the Navigation Directorate, Capt. Budi Mantoro, M.Si., M.Mar., said, "The hope for the future is that ships passing through Indonesian waters must be properly monitored. All ships in the ALKI area can be recorded and monitored through the I-Motion application which uses satellite AIS technology, so that shipping safety and security can be guaranteed."
Law enforcement
On this occasion, Dr. Trino, Head of the Class I Tanjung Priok Sea and Coast Guard Base, ordered members and Ship KN. 348 to carry out legal enforcement processes against ships that do not turn on the AIS (Automatic Identification System), in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia which requires ships to use the AIS system as part of the obligation to ensure shipping safety.
With the implementation of SRS, it is expected that the safety and security of shipping in Indonesia can be improved, as well as facilitating the rescue process in the event of an emergency at sea. This is an important step to ensure a more structured and safe management of ship traffic in Indonesian waters.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Public Relations/ MTH/ANE/RHM /email:islnewstv@gmail.com).