SURABAYA INDONESIA (ISL News) - PT Pelindo Regional 3 together with PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (SPTP), PT Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL), and PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS) collaborated with LSP Transportasi Indonesia (LSPTI) and Klub Logindo to carry out BNSP certification for external truck drivers operating inside and outside the terminal.
A total of 30 drivers successfully obtained certification on Thursday, December 5, 2024 and have been declared competent by LSPTI. Division Head of Human Resources and General Services, Juju Juarsih expressed her support for this program because it is believed that it will have a positive impact on the smooth operation of the terminal.
"This program is very useful because it makes drivers competent so that hb operations become safer and more secure, this can also be a benchmark for other terminals to develop safety and service standards," said Juju Juarsih.
In addition to improving competence, this program also aims to increase awareness of the importance of implementing Occupational Safety and Health (K3), especially in driving safety.
"Efforts to increase K3 awareness do not only apply to company employees, but also to all parties who are active in the terminal. Do not let negligence in driving cause accidents that claim lives, therefore we hold this certification to ensure mutual safety," explained David Sirait, President Director of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong.
Head of DPC Klub Logindo East Java, Christine Agni also appreciated Pelindo Group for the implementation of this CSR program. "Thank you to Pelindo Group for supporting this activity. Our main focus is to ensure the safety of truck drivers who are logistics heroes. They play an important role in ensuring that goods reach customers safely," she said.
This certification program will be implemented continuously to create a significant impact in improving operational safety and efficiency. This initiative is in line with Pelindo's commitment to creating a strong K3 culture in the company's work environment.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom TTL/