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Pelindo Pusat Strengthens Anti-Corruption Commitment Through Business Integrity Forum

22/12/24, 16:23 WIB Last Updated 2024-12-22T09:24:13Z


 In order to commemorate World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) 2024, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo in collaboration with Transparency International Indonesia (TI Indonesia) held a Business Integrity Forum on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at the Museum Maritim Indonesia, Tanjung Priok Jakarta.

"Anti-corruption commitment is an important foundation in the transformation that Pelindo is currently undertaking. We continue to strive to create a work environment with integrity and free from corrupt practices. Collaboration with TII is a strategic step to make this happen," said Pelindo President Director, Arif Suhartono.

Carrying the theme "Strengthening the Commitment to Eradicating Corruption for an Advanced Indonesia", this event is the culmination of a series of activities aimed at strengthening transparent, integrity-based, and corruption-free business governance practices in the port environment.

This forum was also attended by a number of anti-corruption activists such as Dadang Trisasongko - Managing Partner of MERCOF Law & Governance, Felia Salim - Member of the Supervisory Board of Transparency International Indonesia, Usman Hamid - Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia, and Bivitri Susanti - Academic and Constitutional Law Expert who also provided suggestions and ideas on strategies for building an effective system to create a work environment with integrity.

On this occasion, Dadang said that the forum held by Pelindo could be part of an effort to foster integrity in providing the best and corruption-free services. "I appreciate Pelindo because this is also a form of Pelindo's commitment to preventing corruption. Pelindo does not only make regulations but also strives to implement them consistently," added Dadang.

In line with the above, Natal Iman Ginting, President Director of PT Integrasi Logistik Cipta Solusi (ILCS) - a subsidiary of Pelindo engaged in information technology, explained that one way Pelindo shows its transparency is through digitalization with the principle of one standard and one system.

"Digitalization standardization continues to be carried out in all ports managed by Pelindo. Until now, the integrated financial system application or single ERP has been implemented in 32 of 38 ports, and automatic entrance gates (auto gate pass) have been implemented in 31 of 37 ports. Our target in 2025 is for all applications to be implemented 100% or in all ports managed by Pelindo," added Natal.

With this implementation, Pelindo services minimize direct contact with service users, which further minimizes the potential for extortion or other corrupt actions.

Previously, Pelindo Group had carried out a series of activities across all lines of the company from subholdings to subsidiaries in the working area within the Pelindo Group from November to December 2024.

Among others, seminars; exhibitions; oration competitions, posters, and anti-corruption reels, which aim to increase understanding of the importance of transparent and corruption-free business governance, especially in the port sector. Pelindo is committed to continuing to build cleaner, more transparent, and highly competitive business governance to support the vision of Advanced Indonesia.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom Pelindo Pusat/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).  

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  • Pelindo Pusat Strengthens Anti-Corruption Commitment Through Business Integrity Forum


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