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PELINDO Regional 3 TEGAL PORT Together with Stakeholders & Fishermen Representatives JUMAT CURHAT Together at Tegal Port

14/11/24, 08:11 WIB Last Updated 2024-11-14T01:12:28Z

 Tegal Port hosted JUMAT CURHAT event held by Tegal City POLICE on Friday (08/11) at the Badas Port Meeting Room of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Tegal Port. The event was attended by the Tegal Port Area Manager and several related agencies such as the Tegal City Police Chief, Tegal Port Area Sector Police Chief, Tegal Class IV KSOP Head, Head of DKP3 Office, Indonesian Navy, ASGAT (Tegal Shipyard Association) Head, Fishermen Representatives at Tegal Port, Maribaya Navy Ship Commander, and Tegal Port Community Leaders.

The activity which was held starting at 08.00 WIB was the first agenda of Tegal Port in November 2024 in collaboration with Tegal City Police. Which was represented by Kompol Toto Hadi Prayitno SH, MM as the Tegal Port Area Police Chief said that the event was not only aimed at establishing friendship between agencies with representatives of fishermen at Tegal Port but also to listen to complaints and accommodate aspirations and input from the community, seeking solutions related to problems faced in several agencies.

At the Curahan Hati (Curhat) event entitled Jumat Curhat this time discussed the security, cleanliness and arrangement of docked ships at Tegal Port. Tegal Port Area Manager, Tri Sugiyatno said that Pelindo Port should be a place for loading and unloading goods, asking for help from the management of fishing vessels so that we are helped after the loading and unloading of the ship is complete, immediately retreat so that we can take turns with others. Regarding the middle door, sorry we cannot open it because the auto gate system or one gate system policy has been set, if there are complaints regarding the mechanism for implementing the auto gate system, please discuss it openly with the ship managers or the Fishermen's Association. In addition, port security can also be threatened because fishermen do not pay attention to the crowded ship conditions which can cause fires. Appealing for the garbage to be collected together at the pier later our officers will carry out the collection and cleaning.

"The existence of a one-door rule from PT Pelindo (Persero) and KSOP Class IV Tegal and the Maritime Element aims to facilitate all existing matters and mutual security, as well as the many reports related to cylinders by fishing boat managers and grateful thanks to the implementation of one entrance, we from the Tegal Port Area Police Chief members managed to catch the perpetrators of the theft which worked together with the community at the Port and auto gate system officers who managed to identify the faces and license plates of the vehicles used as transportation to carry out the theft," said Police Commissioner Toto Hadi Prayitno SH, MM.

"We have provided information to ship owners regarding the condition of the harbor channel which must be clean because it is for access for ships to enter and exit and we expect concern and awareness from fishermen to maintain cleanliness in the harbor environment, and not to litter carelessly either in the harbor pool or around the access road," he added.

Sumartono, SH as the Head of KSOP Class IV Tegal said that our duties and functions are Commercial Ships but those that enter are Fishermen's Ships that are engaged in unloading fish at the PT Pelindo Pier, Regarding the arrangement of loading and unloading, we will condition it with our officers in the field and coordinate with Pelindo and TPI, Ships that have finished loading and unloading should immediately leave so that they can take turns with the next ship that will carry out loading and unloading activities. Regarding the moments of Eid and New Year, there is always a buildup of ships, we collaborate and coordinate with the maritime elements of Tegal City, What has been running at these moments we set up a security post and the entrance and exit routes of the port we enforce the opening and closing of the route and in the pool we prepare space for ship maneuvers in case of emergency situations such as ship fires.

The enthusiasm of the participants of the Friday Curhat activity was seen in conducting questions and answers regarding complaints from agencies and representatives of fishermen who attended the event, in the question and answer session, the Tegal Port Police Chief, Commissioner Toto Hadi Prayitno SH, MM, also emphasized that every agency and representative of fishermen who attended must always implement K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) and maintain environmental cleanliness. After the curhat session was carried out, a group photo activity was carried out with the participants who attended the event. 

"The hope is that the Friday Curhat event can continue to be held so that friendship can be established and can accommodate all information and complaints from the community to be optimized in subsequent activities in order to maintain safe and conducive public order in the jurisdiction of the Tegal Police," said Kompol Toto Hadi Prayitno SH, MM.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Public Relations of Pelindo Regional 3 Sub-Regional Java/email: islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • PELINDO Regional 3 TEGAL PORT Together with Stakeholders & Fishermen Representatives JUMAT CURHAT Together at Tegal Port


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