Iklan Top Header PT BKI (Persero)



Pelindo Connects National and Global Logistics Industry

24/11/24, 16:56 WIB Last Updated 2024-11-24T09:58:23Z

 - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero), PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero), and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) are non-listed state-owned companies whose shares are 100% owned by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises as the Shareholder representing the Republic of Indonesia.

On October 1, 2021, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero), PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) were legally merged into PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) based on Government Regulation No. 101 of 2021.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) acts as the surviving entity.

Then based on the Letter of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia No. S-756/MBU/10/2021 dated October 1, 2021 concerning Approval of Name Change, Change of Articles of Association and Company Logo, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) changed its name to "PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or abbreviated as Pelindo".


Pelindo has the following duties and functions:

1. Provision and/or service of port pools and waters for traffic and anchorage of ships;

2. Provision and/or provision of services related to pilotage and towing of ships;

3. Provision and/or service of docks and other facilities for mooring, loading and unloading containers, liquid bulk, dry bulk, multi-purpose, goods including animals (general cargo), and facilities for boarding and disembarking passengers and/or vehicles;

4. Provision and/or service of loading and unloading services, containers, liquid bulk, dry bulk (general cargo), and vehicles;

5. Provision and/or service of container terminal services, liquid bulk, dry bulk, multi-purpose, passenger, public services, and Ro-Ro;

6. Provision and/or service of warehouses and storage yards and places for storing goods, port transportation, loading and unloading equipment, and port equipment;

7. Provision and/or service of land for various buildings and fields, industries and buildings/structures related to the interests of smooth multi-modal transportation;

8. Provision and/or services for the provision of electricity, drinking water and waste disposal installations;

9. Provision and/or service of fuel filling services for ships and vehicles in the port environment;

10. Provision and/or service of consolidation and distribution activities of goods including animals;

11. Provision and/or provision of consultancy, education and training services related to ports;

12. Management and operation of container depots and repairs, cleaning, fumigation and logistics services;

13. Management of customs areas and temporary storage areas.


Pelindo Merger

The journey of the Pelindo Merger has long been discussed. Starting in 2009, a Port Holding and Dredging Study was prepared. Then followed in 2012 by the preparation of the Pelindo I, II, III, and IV Integration Study. Furthermore, in 2013, a study of the Indonesian Port Holding and the establishment of PT Terminal Petikemas Indonesia was also prepared. 

In 2016, the National PMO was formed and continued with the preparation of the Pelindo Incorporated study, which at that time intended to unite the Subsidiaries of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I, II, III and IV (Persero) which had similar business fields. Furthermore, in 2017 the initiation of the Establishment of the Maritime Holding was carried out and in 2018 the Integrated Port Network study was carried out which identified 7 (seven) RJPMN Port Hubs, until in 2019 the initiation of the Establishment of the Container Subholding was carried out.

The next development was the formation of the Acceleration Team for Increasing Synergy and Integration of State-Owned Enterprises in Port Services by the Ministry of SOEs in December 2019 as stated in the Decree of the Minister of SOEs No. SK-311/MBU/12/2019, as part of the government's strategic program to improve trade connectivity that can contribute to reducing national logistics costs. This decision was then continuously updated in the Decree of the Minister of SOEs No. SK-83/MBU/Wk2/11/2020 dated November 13, 2020 and the Decree of the Minister of SOEs No. SK-33/MBU/Wk2/03/2021 dated March 29, 2021. 

The Ministry of SOEs took the initiative to carry out the consolidation process of SOEs in Port Services so that the arrangement is not based on region and provides maximum capacity in maritime connectivity and connectivity with related strategic areas throughout Indonesia. Thus, BUMN in port services can become more efficient in operations and investments, create an optimal sea transportation network, and can provide excellent services supported by standard and adequate port infrastructure. This is realized through the preparation of the Study of Synergy and Integration of Port BUMN which produces output in the form of a design for the merger of the four Pelindos in 2020.

(ISL News Editorial Team/web.Pelindo/email:islnewstv@gmail.com) .

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  • Pelindo Connects National and Global Logistics Industry


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