SEMARANG (ISL News) - In order to strengthen the synergy between UPT DJPL for shipping safety and security, the Tanjung Priok Sea and Coast Guard Base (PLP) through PUSKODAL held a Coordination and collaboration activity in the Work area with the Tg.Emas Semarang Navigation District (DISNAV). This activity took place on 14-16 October 2024 at the Tanjung Emas Semarang Navigation District Hall and the Inner Pier of Tanjung Emas Semarang Port.
Carrying the theme of collaboration & coordination of the Tanjung Priok PLP Base Patrol Element to achieve the DJPL MCC program, this event was attended by the Head of the Tanjung Priok PLP Base, Dr. Triono and the Head of the Tanjung Emas Semarang Type-B Navy, Ison Hendrasto, which aims to strengthen cooperation in the exchange of data and information related to shipping safety and shipping security.
The main objective of this collaboration is to establish closer cooperation in maintaining the safety and security of shipping and maritime protection.
This activity is expected to intensify communication and collaboration between UPTs under the Directorate General of Sea Transportation and make the MCC (Maritime Coordination Center), MSI and others carried out by DJPL as mandatory and administrator of IMO in Indonesia a success.
Head of PLP Tanjung Priok Base, Dr. Triono, delivered his remarks by emphasizing the importance of this collaboration "In order to improve and strengthen the duties and functions of PLP Tanjung Priok Base with DISNAV Tanjung Emas, collaboration is needed between PUSKODAL and VTS Tanjung Emas in terms of sharing data and information".
Head of DISNAV Tanjung Emas Semarang, Ison Hendrasto, strongly supports this activity. "We as the leaders of DISNAV Tanjung Emas Semarang strongly support the collaboration between PUSKODAL and VTS Tanjung Emas. This is a joint effort to improve shipping safety and security, in accordance with the vision of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation. He said.
(ISL News Editorial Team/PPLP Class 1 Public Relations Tg. Priok/ MTH/AND/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).