MAKASSAR (ISL News) - Passing the third year after the merger, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo has successfully achieved positive and consistent performance, both operational and financial performance. This achievement received appreciation from Desty Arlaini, Assistant Deputy for Logistics Services at the Ministry of SOEs, which was conveyed in her remarks at one of the series of events for the Pelindo Day Commemoration - Pelindo Forum, September 30, 2024.
"I highly appreciate what Pelindo has done for 3 years. Especially after this merger, it can be likened to after the merger was ratified, there was no time for healing for a moment, because everyone understands that the merger is not our final goal. The merger is our starting point for transformation and transformation never has an end," said Desty.
Desty also added that in 3 years of merger, Pelindo's assets reached IDR 123 trillion. Desty expressed her appreciation to Pelindo which for the past 3 years has consistently implemented Strategic Initiatives. Through transformation programs that are consistently carried out by Pelindo such as operational standardization, digitalization, optimization, business refinement and other strategic initiatives that are implemented consistently, Pelindo has succeeded in achieving positive performance, including the creation of value creation worth IDR 4.89 trillion or 81% of the 2025 target. It is hoped that Pelindo's next transformation program will focus on long-term growth.
Agreeing with this, Arif Suhartono, President Director of Pelindo, also said that after carrying out the transformation, Pelindo's productivity has increased. The company's growth is also in line with the increase in customer expectations for Pelindo.
"Once again I repeat that we are a service-based company, so our focus is on improving the quality of service. We have built this big and now in our mindset is how to maximize and how to optimize. I hope Pelindo continues to innovate and improvise," said Arif.
In addition to the Pelindo Forum, the Pelindo Day Commemoration was also enlivened by various activities such as morning walks and UMKM bazaars, the inauguration of the Makassar New Port Mosque & Tabligh Akbar, Charity Auctions and the Pancasila Sanctity Day Flag Ceremony at the peak of the celebration. Previously, a number of activities had also been carried out such as Pelindo Mengajar, Pelindo E-Talks and Pelindo Peduli as well as various competitions such as Pelindo League, Pelindo Run & Ride, Pelindo Clash of Port Champions, and Pelindo Essay Writing.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom Pelindo Pusat/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).