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Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL Presents Yachts and Cruises from 11 Countries at Bali Maritime Tourism Hub

04/10/24, 08:21 WIB Last Updated 2024-10-04T01:22:13Z

 For the first time, Pelindo presents more than 50 yachters from 11 countries to dock at the Bali Maritime Tourism Hub (BMTH) at Benoa Port. BMTH itself is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) prepared to become a tourism anchor ( tourism hub ) in Indonesia, namely as a yacht and cruise destination that is expected to bring a multiplier effect to the development of Indonesian tourism.

The “Sail to Indonesia Goes to BMTH” activity held on 2-4 October 2024 received appreciation from the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi when he gave his remarks at the welcoming ceremony (2/10/2024).

Budi hopes that the presence of BMTH can strengthen national maritime and logistics connectivity. "The selection of BMTH as the venue reflects Pelindo's commitment to improving Indonesia's maritime capabilities as a key global maritime hub . This event also has a dual purpose, namely to promote Bali's appeal as a global tourist destination and make it a center for maritime activities," he said.

On the same occasion, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahudin Uno also expressed similar support. "Bali will have an important opportunity to promote marine tourism destinations in Indonesia, and encourage foreign and domestic tourists to visit, as well as promote Bali tourism through social media and other media channels," said Sandiaga.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Bali Province, represented by the Head of the Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Tjok Bagus Pemayun, said that the Bali Provincial Government believes that this event can have a positive impact on the tourism world and the economy of the community around the BMTH area.

The three-day event has a series of events, including the Food and Culture Festival, a local UMK exhibition, and culminating with the Benoa Jazz & Culture Fest, which will present classy jazz music from local musicians including Adikara, Ghea Indrawari, Kunto Aji, Karimata Band featuring Amelia Ong, and Padi Reborn.

President Director of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL, Joko Noerhudha in the Gala Dinner event expressed his hope that the presence of BMTH can provide a sustainable impact on the development of tourism in Indonesia and the implementation of Sail to Indonesia Goes to BMTH can be beneficial socially, economically, and culturally. 

"BMTH has several zones, one of which is the marina zone. In its development, SPSL will work with several partners to provide services on the water and land facilities such as yacht clubs , restaurants, and yacht service stations that meet international standards," explained Joko.

One of the yachters from Australia, Olivia, expressed her enthusiasm in participating in this series of events. “This event is amazing and all the events prepared are very enjoyable for us. Here we can see cultural arts performances, crafts, and enjoy local music performances. I hope to return to BMTH next year, it was amazing!”

(Redaksi ISL News/Corcom SPSL /email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL Presents Yachts and Cruises from 11 Countries at Bali Maritime Tourism Hub


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