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PT BKI (Persero) Holds Ceremony to Commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day, October 1, 2024

03/10/24, 09:33 WIB Last Updated 2024-10-03T02:35:34Z

 PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) as the Lead Holding of BUMN Jasa Survei, held a ceremony to commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day. This ceremony was attended by the President Director of PT BKI (Persero) who also acted as the ceremony inspector. Also attended by all directors of PT BKI on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at PT BKI (Persero).

The Pancasila Sanctity Day ceremony aims to strengthen the commitment of all elements of the nation in maintaining Pancasila as the state ideology that unites the Indonesian nation, as well as protecting the nation from ideologies that conflict with Pancasila. For PT BKI (Persero) this commemoration is an opportunity to encourage a sense of nationalism and national spirit among the community, reminding the importance of unity in maintaining the integrity of the nation.

"Let us together encourage a sense of nationalism and national spirit, because only with unity and togetherness can we maintain the integrity of the nation we love. By upholding the spirit of One Family One Purpose, based on the values ​​of AKHLAK, we will continue to move forward as a strong and harmonious nation, for a better Indonesia!"

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom PT BKI (Persero)/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).  

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  • PT BKI (Persero) Holds Ceremony to Commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day, October 1, 2024


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