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Pelindo Regional 2 Introduces Port Operations Concept to University of Indonesia Engineering Students

24/10/24, 09:39 WIB Last Updated 2024-10-24T02:40:37Z

- Wednesday (23/10). PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 welcomed a visit from students of the University of Indonesia Faculty of Engineering.

The event was held in the multipurpose room of the Indonesian Maritime Museum Building, Jl Pelabuhan No.9, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, on Tuesday (22/10). Pelindo’s Regional Division Head of Human Resources and General Services, Dian Vegawati, alongside Regional Division Head of Commercial, Budi Prasetio; Senior Manager of HSSE Regional 2, Frida Evrina Sitorus; and Senior Manager of Marketing Regional 2, Aryoko Jiwandono, personally received the visiting lecturers and students from the University of Indonesia Faculty of Engineering.

Accompanied by the Port Planning Course Coordinator, Andyka Kusuma, Ph.D., 28 engineering students and several lecturers had the opportunity to gain insights into port operations.

In her speech, Dian Vegawati emphasized that this visit is not only a chance to strengthen connections but also serves as a platform for knowledge-sharing. She expressed her hope that the knowledge gained would benefit the students both in their academic studies and future careers.

Representing the University of Indonesia Faculty of Engineering, Andyka Kusuma, Ph.D. conveyed his gratitude to Pelindo Regional 2 for the opportunity to visit. He hoped that Pelindo Regional 2 could share both knowledge and experience in managing ports, as this learning visit is essential for students in gaining insights that will aid them in preparing their theses.

The visit featured a presentation on port operations by Senior Manager of Marketing Regional 2, Aryoko Jiwandono, covering the concept and the important role of ports. The students were highly interactive, as shown by their enthusiasm during the Q&A session.

In addition to the technical knowledge, the students also had the chance to learn about maritime history by visiting the Maritime Museum diorama room and observing the loading and unloading process at the TO3 Container Terminal.

(Redaksi ISL News/Humas Pelindo Regional 2/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 
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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Introduces Port Operations Concept to University of Indonesia Engineering Students


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