JAKARTA (ISL News) – On August 26, 2024, PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IDX: IPCM) signed a cooperation agreement with PT Bintang Samudera Mandiri Lines Tbk regarding the Provision of Tugboats for Ship Towing Services at Baai Port, Bengkulu.
The signing of this cooperation was carried out at the Head Office of PT JAI Tbk, Pelindo Tower, North Jakarta by the Board of Directors of PT Jasa Armada Indonesia represented by Muhammad Iqbal as Director of Fleet and Operations, and David Desanan as President Director of PT Bintang Samudera Mandiri Lines Tbk.
This collaboration is a form of business collaboration synergy in the field of ship towing services.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPCM/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).