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Terminal Petikemas Surabaya or TPS Helps Facilities in Special Needs Children Service Unit

05/07/24, 08:50 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-05T01:52:15Z

 As a form of concern for education, especially education for Children with Special Needs, PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS) helped repair the therapy room at the Special Needs Children Service Unit in Gresik Regency.

"Education is one of the priority programs of TJSL TPS, which is carried out as one of the BUMN Bhakti Programs, in order to support the Sustainable Development Goal (TPB) number 4, namely achieving quality education that is in line with the program of the National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bappenas)," said Wahyu Widodo, President Director of TPS, explaining TPS's considerations in providing this assistance. 

"The assistance in renovating the therapy room is very helpful for our service operations. With adequate therapy room facilities, we can optimize therapy that suits the needs of each child. We hope that this collaboration can continue and more children with special needs can benefit from it," said Renyta Yuniarti Ningtyas as Head of the Gresik ABK Education Service UPT.

Reny further said that the Gresik ABK Education Service Unit has been the center for inclusive education development in Gresik Regency since 2013. As an institution that focuses on therapy services, early detection, and rehabilitation for children with special needs, this unit has an important role in providing quality education for these children. Support from various parties such as TPS through the TJSL program is an additional encouragement and motivation for the Gresik ABK Education Service Unit to continue to improve the quality of services provided.

"Children with special needs have the same rights to get access to proper education according to their needs. TPS hopes that this facility can help children with special needs in getting proper education and increasing their potential," Wahyu Widodo added.

On another occasion, TPS support for inclusive education was also realized in the form of providing assistance in the form of improving teacher competency and learning facilities at the Yayasan Inklusi School of the Az-Zaki Sawahan Baru Foundation, Surabaya. Through this competency training, teachers will have the knowledge and skills needed to face the challenges of teaching children with special needs, so that the learning process can run more effectively and inclusively.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom Surabaya Container Terminal/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).  




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  • Terminal Petikemas Surabaya or TPS Helps Facilities in Special Needs Children Service Unit


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