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IPC TPK Again Boosts Tanjung Priok Youth Competence with Marketing Training

08/07/24, 15:25 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-08T08:27:19Z


 IPC Container Terminal/IPC TPK is again implementing the Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) Program in the Education Sector through Competency Training and Certification for residents of Ring 1 of Tanjung Priok Port.

This year, 120 registered participants will undergo training for 3 (three) months with training material options including Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, and Intermediate Computer Operator.

"In today's competitive era, in addition to educational background, supporting competencies are needed to win the competition in the world of work. After we conducted an evaluation of the training and competency tests conducted last year, we saw that this program had an impact on participants who are the closest community to the port," said Guna Mulyana, President Director of IPC TPK.

The training and certification program is a continuation of the Pelindo Group Joint CSR which has been implemented since 2020, where 5 Pelindo subsidiaries collaborate to improve the competence of school dropouts through formal and informal education. In its implementation, Pelindo Group collaborated with the North Jakarta Muhammadiyah Youth Organization as the organizer of the activity.

Implementation of the Competency Training and Certification Program in 2022, as many as 80 participants who did not have permanent jobs, passed the certification exam. After receiving competency certification from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), several participants have found new jobs with increased income. In addition, there are also participants who are motivated to enrich their knowledge to become freelancers in the fields of design and digital marketing.

"We express our appreciation and gratitude for the consistency of IPC TPK together with Pelindo Group in supporting our efforts to improve the competence of the young generation around Tanjung Priok Port. In addition to increasing community income, we also feel the reduction in social problems. Hopefully, similar programs can continue to be held so that more participants can feel the benefits," said Rizki, Chairman of the North Jakarta Muhammadiyah Youth.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • IPC TPK Again Boosts Tanjung Priok Youth Competence with Marketing Training


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