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Dirut Pelindo, Arif Suhartono : with port digitalization, processes related to finished goods are much better

05/07/24, 07:58 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-05T01:00:02Z

 The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) together with the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention (Stranas PK) continues to encourage improvements in port governance in Indonesia, as an effort to prevent corruption and encourage the creation of optimal services. In the 2022-2023 action, these efforts include implementing digitalization in 14 main ports, and in 2023-2024, this port digitalization has expanded to a total of 246 ports.

"Of the 246, 46 of them are national priority ports in export and import transactions that cover national coverage. The National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) has also been implemented in more than 2000 special terminals and terminals for personal interests. As a result, the port service process becomes faster and cheaper," said Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK Pahala Nainggolan in a Media Discussion regarding efforts to improve port governance carried out by STRANAS PK at the KPK's Red and White Building Press Conference Room, Tuesday (02/07/2024).

The implementation of NLE also extends to 6 airports, namely Kualanamu International Airport Medan, Soekarno-Hatta Tangerang, Juanda Sidoarjo, Ngurah Rai Denpasar, Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan and Hasanuddin Makassar which cover 96% of export and import activities nationally. This achievement has an impact on national logistics costs which have decreased from 24% to 14.29% based on research conducted by Bappenas.

Pahala continued, in terms of service time for goods which previously took 2 weeks, now the average is only 20.8 hours. In addition, in terms of cargo handling costs at the port, there was an efficiency of 46.1%. The next impact on ship services which achieved a service time efficiency of 21.6% with an average dwelling time of 2.9 days. Other efficiencies also occurred in ship service costs which were 45.5% cheaper than the costs before digitalization.

"In short, 18 ministries and institutions (K/L) have worked together to achieve digitalization of government ports and digitalization in private ports. Now we can monitor the movement of goods in 246 ports and 2000 private ports, at least what the quantity is. Another achievement is that 16 airports from a service speed of 2 days, now only 3 to 4 hours have been achieved. This digitalization was also achieved with the help of LNSW," explained Pahala.


LNSW Integrates Systems Between Ministries/Institutions

Head of the National Single Window (LNSW) Oza Olavia said that many activities at the port involve 18 Ministries/Institutions, so digitalization is important in port governance. According to Oza, the institution he leads plays a role in managing the integration of systems between ministries and institutions related to the export, import and logistics processes.

"We are indeed trying to improve governance at the port by integrating the systems of 18 Ministries/Agencies that have authority at the port without reducing that authority. We make the business process simpler, we utilize digital technology so that everything runs smoothly and the time is more efficient and will certainly reduce costs. This means that digitalization and process integration are not only in Ministries/Agencies, we also connect with BUMN, we also connect with the private sector," explained Oza.

The same thing was also conveyed by Pelindo President Director Arif Suhartono. He said that with digitalization at the port, the process related to finished goods is much better. "Everything is controlled from the system. How to shorten the port stay so that in the end the capacity can increase. The beauty of transformation is increasing capacity without excessive investment, sometimes even without investment," he said.

The port digitalization process also has an impact on state revenues for the K/L sector that has port services. In the PNBP of the Ministry of Transportation with the work unit of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation through the implementation of Inaportnet from 2021-2023 since the port reform action took place, it increased by 116.05% to 4.278 trillion Rupiah.

Up to 15 months of the implementation of the 2023-2024 action (B15), the Port Governance Reform Action achieved the highest achievement (63.64%). The purpose of this action is to improve port services by simplifying business processes and institutional governance at the port so that it can provide certainty of service time and reduce high logistics costs at the port.

Other port action developments include Domestic Manifest Service Information by the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Trade. The goal is for transparency and to obtain commodity distribution data as an effort to prevent hoarding by individuals that results in scarcity.

Also present at the media discussion were stakeholders at the port, Rifani, Head of the Foreign Traffic Sub-Directorate of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Chotibul Umam, Head of the Import Sub-Directorate of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Achmad Farchanny, Director of Surveillance and Health Quarantine, Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Ministry of Health, Ikhwandi from the Indonesian Quarantine Agency and Iwan from Immigration.


National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) Service Effectiveness Survey 2023

The 2023 NLE Service Effectiveness Survey was conducted by the Indonesia Australia Partnership for the Economy (Prospera) Program at 14 national ports, with a sample population of 1,393 respondents.

The survey results show that there is time efficiency compared to the previous process in the online delivery order (DO) service of 40.3%, online container delivery letter (SP2) of 47.0%, SSm Quarantine Customs (QC) of 73.4%, SSm Transporter of 21.6%, and SSm Licensing of 56.4%.

In addition to time savings, there are also cost savings in online delivery order (DO) services of 25.7%, online container delivery letters (SP2) of 32.4%, Quarantine Customs (QC) SSm of 46.1%, Transport SSm of 45.5%, and Licensing SSm of 97.8%.

The efficiency assessment included testimonials from service users who stated that NLE services helped companies work more effectively and efficiently, in terms of time and cost.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corsec Pelindo Pusat email: islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Dirut Pelindo, Arif Suhartono : with port digitalization, processes related to finished goods are much better


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