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Acting as an International Hub, Director General of Sea Transportation Visits Kuala Tanjung Batu Bara Port Managed by PMT

10/07/24, 08:15 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-10T01:17:15Z

– On July 5, 2024, PT Prima Multi Terminal or PMT received a visit from the Director General of Sea Transportation of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, Capt. Antoni Arif Priadi at the PMT Terminal Kuala Tanjung, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra.

The visit was welcomed by the President Director of PT Prima Multi Terminal Eko Hariyadi Budiyanto, also present were the President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Arif Suhartono, President Director of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas M. Adjie, Director of Strategy and Commercial of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas Rima Novianti, Director of Traffic and Railway Transportation Djarot Tri Wardhono, Head of KSOP Kuala Tanjung Aan Anwar along with other Port Directorate Teams.

"Kuala Tanjung Port has a very important role as a hub so it must continue to be supported to be more optimal," said Capt. Antoni Arif Priadi, Director General of Sea Transportation of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, in Kuala Tanjung, Batu Bara, July 5, 2024.

The visit of the Director General of Sea Transportation and the Port Directorate Team to Kuala Tanjung Port was to review Kuala Tanjung Port which is the center of goods distribution in supporting the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (KEK) and other industrial areas operating in North Sumatra Province and has a very important role as an international hub in the western region of Indonesia.

During this visit, the Director General first visited the supporting infrastructure that has been built in the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone Dry Port area, which is the largest industrial area in North Sumatra province.

Connectivity between the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone and Kuala Tanjung Port has been supported by railway access whose frequency continues to increase. It is recorded that almost 40 thousand TEUs of containers are loaded and unloaded at Kuala Tanjung Port. This number includes international shipping which was reopened on April 30, 2024 with the BG Solid 16 ship bound for Port Klang Malaysia.

In addition, there is an increase in non-container loading and unloading by 11 thousand tons, namely 199 thousand tons up to the second quarter of 2024 compared to 187 thousand tons up to the second quarter of 2023. "We are confident that we can exceed the throughput achievement for both containers and non-containers compared to last year," said Eko Hariyadi Budiyanto, President Director of PT Prima Multi Terminal.

The Director General of Sea Transportation is confident that Kuala Tanjung Port will continue to develop in the future, "Remain optimistic in developing the archipelagic country into a developed country," said Antoni.


(ISL News Editorial Team/Corsec PMT/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).  


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  • Acting as an International Hub, Director General of Sea Transportation Visits Kuala Tanjung Batu Bara Port Managed by PMT


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