JAKARTA TANJUNG PRIOK (ISL News) – Last Friday, June 6 2024, at the KOLINLAMIL Tanjung Priok Pier, the release of the Warship or KRI Dewa Ruci took place.
The release of the KRI Dewaruci at Kolinlamil Pier was carried out in the context of the 2024 Cultural Goodwill Task Force and Spice Route Festival.
The aim of the KRI Dewa Ruci is that the first aim of the KRI Dewa Ruci is to introduce a variety of Indonesian culture (both Intangible Cultural Heritage and National Cultural Heritage) and local wisdom in the Spice Route route.
Second, provide an understanding of local history and culture, including utilizing and protecting cultural practices of Cultural Heritage and WBTb
Third, provide an understanding of why the Spice Route was proposed as World Heritage UNESCO is important to support together
Fourth, increase the capacity of cultural figures, artists, communities and society at large in strengthening cultural resilience and diplomacy
Fifth, foster pride in national identity by influencing perceptions communities in the region and internationally regarding Indonesia's role in the past and Indonesia's potential role in the future.
Sixth, open access, create dialogue, build relationships between communities.
As long as the activities run safely and smoothly, with a series of events as follows;
1. At 06.15 WIB, Laskar Rempah (LR) participants arrived at Mako Kolinlamil
2. At 07.15 WIB, the VIP invited guests arrived at Mako Kolinlamil
3. At 07.17 WIB, the RI Koarmada Cash arrived at Mako Kolinlamil
4. At 07.50 WIB, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture arrived at Mako Kolinlamil
5. At 08.10 WIB, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and Technology and Cash of the Indonesian Armed Forces along with VIP guests headed to the Mako Kolinlamil Field Awning
6. At 08.15 WIB, the active opening ceremony for the release of KRI Dewaruci began with the following arrangement:
a. Singing Indonesia Raya
b. Report from the Director of Cultural Development and Utilization of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Director of PPK) Mrs. Irini Dewi Wanti, SS, M.SP
c. Message from the Indonesian Armed Forces Commander, Rear Admiral TNI Didong Rio Duto Purwo Kuntjoro, ST, MAP, M.Tr.(Han)
d. Message from the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Mr. Hilmar Farid, Ph.D.
e. Symbolic Embedding of Participants' Marks by the Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology
f. Chanting prayers
g. Performances/Rituals ask for safety with Betawi Traditions
h. Group photo with Laskar Rempah (LR)
i. Performance Yel - yel from Laskar Rempah (LR)
7. At 08.55 WIB, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Kas Koarmada RI, Director of PPK Kemendikbudristek and VIP guests headed to KRI Dewaruci
8. At 08.56 WIB, Report from the KRI Commander to the Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture
9. At 09.10 WIB, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Kas Koarmada RI and the Director of PPK Kemendikbudristek were accompanied by the Commander of KRI Dewaruci to greet LR and Soldiers of KRI Dewaruci
10. At 09.12 WIB, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology, Kas Koarmada RI and the Director of PPK Kemendikbudristek left KRI Dewaruci
9. At 09.12 WIB, the Commander of KRI Dewaruci reported to the Indonesian Armed Forces Treasury that the ship was ready to sail
12. At 09.20 WIB, KRI Dewaruci refused from Kolinlamil Pier accompanied by songs from Satsik Lantamal III
13. At 09.21 WIB, the RI Koarmada Cash Doorstop was accompanied by the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Director of PPK, Ministry of Education and Culture.
14. At 09.30 WIB, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture left Mako Kolinlamil
15. At 09.32 WIB, Kas Koarmada RI, Director of PPK Kemendikbudristek, VIPs and invited guests left Mako Kolinlamil
16. At 09.35 WIB, the series of active events for the Release of the 2024 Spice Route Cultural Goodwill Task Force finished
Attending office:
I. TNI AL Office:
1. RI Koarmada Cash
2. Cholinlamil Cash
3. Head of Penal Department
4. Kadisopslatal
5. Kadispotmaral
6. Assistant Commander of the Indonesian Fleet Commander
7. Danlantamal III
8. PJU Cholinlamil
Ministries / Institutions:
1. Director General of Culture
2. Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture
3. Secretary of the Directorate General of Culture
4. Assistant Deputy President for National Insight, Defense and Security
5. Director of Cultural Development and Utilization
6. Director of Personnel Development and Cultural Institutions
7. Director of Film, Music and Media
8. Director of Belief in Almighty God and Indigenous Peoples
9. Director of Cultural Protection
10. Head of the Communications and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture
11. Head of the Jakarta Special Regional Culture Service
12. Head of the Region VIII Cultural Preservation Center
13. Head of the Work Team within the Directorate of Cultural Development and Utilization
B. Participants and cruise routes:
1. Number of cruise participants: 150 people, consisting of:
a. Student
b. Academy
c. Influenzer
d. Researcher
And. Average
The KRI Dewa Ruci cruise route this time starts from Jakarta - East Belitung - Dumai and Siak - Sabang and Aceh - Malacca (Malaysia) - Tanjung Uban - Lampung - Jakarta.
(S. Apwira/Editor of ISL News/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).