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Pelindo Jasa Maritim or SPJM Again provides SCHOLARSHIP Assistance and RECYCLING PLACES for SCHOOLS

09/06/24, 07:32 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-09T00:33:25Z

 – Last Saturday, June 8 2024, PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim, a subholding of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo through the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL), provided scholarships and recycling bins to a number of schools upper middle class in Makassar City.

The Champion Scholarship is a program carried out by each entity that is part of the Pelindo Group and is part of the TJSL program in the field of Education and the Environment.

A total of 4 schools were recipients of trash can assistance, namely SMAN 8 Makassar, SMKN 5 Makassar, SMK 6 Makassar, and SMK Mastar Makassar. Meanwhile, 5 scholarship recipients also came from this school.

PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim Corporate Secretary, PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim, Tubagus Patrick Tribudi Utama Iskandar, to students and school representatives.

Patrick explained, "The TJSL assistance handed over this time focuses on education and the environment, both of which are priorities in distributing corporate aid, apart from the MSME sector."

"TJSL distribution focuses on three areas, two of which are being carried out today, namely education and the environment. The form is in the form of Pelindo Juara Scholarships to five students and schoolgirls as well as assistance with recycling bins for schools," he said.

The company hopes that this scholarship in the form of educational savings assistance can help our children who need money to pursue and realize their dreams. "We also hope that our generation can continue to receive proper education, gain knowledge that will enable them to be independent and act for their nation and country in the future," he continued.

Specifically for the assistance of recycling bins, this was carried out in commemoration of World Environment Day on June 5.

It is hoped that this assistance can be utilized as fully as possible by students and schools so that the objectives of the TJSL program can be achieved.

Meanwhile, Suryani Sugeng as the representative of the parents of students who received the Pelindo Champion Scholarship could not hold back their emotions and admitted that they were very grateful, appreciating the Pelindo program through SPJM. He admitted that he was happy that his son, Muh Syarif Alqadri, a class X student at SMAN 8 Makassar received a scholarship.

He was also moved by Pelindo's concern through SPJM which still provides attention to his family. Even though her husband, who used to work as a port security worker, is no longer there.

"I am grateful that Pelindo is still helping. This scholarship certainly really helps meet our family's burden, especially since our father is no longer there," he said.

Syarif also expressed his gratitude for the scholarship. He said the scholarship would be a booster of enthusiasm as well as motivation to study harder.

The principal of SMAN 8 Makassar, Iwanuddin, as the representative of the school that received the assistance, said, "We really salute and express our appreciation for Pelindo's concern for students and schools. It is hoped that activities like this can continue to be carried out, as a form of concern for the world of education."

Apart from running its business, the Company always fulfills its obligations to pay attention to the environment, both human resources and the environment where people live and do their activities.

(Editorial ISL News/Corcom SPJM/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Jasa Maritim or SPJM Again provides SCHOLARSHIP Assistance and RECYCLING PLACES for SCHOOLS


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