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PT BKI (Persero) Holds Working Visit to PT PAL

07/06/24, 16:14 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-07T09:18:07Z

 PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) as the Lead Holding of the BUMN Survey Services "IDSurvey" is committed to advancing the maritime industry in Indonesia, one of which is the visit of the President Director, Chairman of the BKI Council and members of the BKI council to PT PAL on Monday, May 27 2024 in Surabaya.

“We are very honored by today's visit. Where Indonesia is a maritime country, and this morning maritime stakeholders gathered to unite ideas and thoughts in realizing the maritime revival of the Republic of Indonesia. "On today's visit, hopefully it can be a forerunner in uniting the potential between us, realizing independence, self-reliance in Maritime Technology which will become one of the locomotives for Golden Indonesia 2024," said the President Director of PT PAL

“It is a pleasure and an honor to be accepted at PT PAL and to be here in Surabaya. Agrees with what has been conveyed by the Main Director of PT. PAL, it is time for all Indonesian stakeholders to unite, because our opportunities, especially in the maritime sector, are very large. And I think that is also the dream of all of us to be independent and stand on our own feet, especially in the maritime sector.

Just to give an idea of ​​what is happening at BKI at the moment, we have explained earlier that BKI has become a holding company, there are several projects that have been running and will be running, in the future we will be very happy and openly welcome collaborations between PT. "PAL and BKI like what we are working on, such as IMO and decarbonization projects and ships in the future," said the President Director of PT BKI

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • PT BKI (Persero) Holds Working Visit to PT PAL


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