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PELINDO Regional 2 PONTIANAK Distributes 26 Ekor Sapi Qurban Iedul Adha 1445 Hijriah to Communities Around the Port

18/06/24, 10:58 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-18T04:00:18Z

(ISL News) - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Pontianak distributed sacrificial animals in celebration of Eid al-Adha 1445 H for communities around the Company's area.

Sacrificial animals were distributed as many as 26 cows to communities around the port area, including at Dwikora-Pontianak Port, Kijing Terminal, Mempawah, Sintete-Sambas Port and Suka Bangun-Ketapang Port.

One of the locations closest to Dwikora Harbor is the people of Pontianak City. Where the sacrificial animal was handed over directly from the General Manager of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Pontianak, Mr. Hambar Wiyadi to the Acting Mayor of Pontianak City, Mr. Drs. Ani Sofian, MM at the Pontianak City Government Office, Sunday, June 16 2024.

This activity of distributing sacrificial animals is a social concern and corporate social responsibility to the community as well as strengthening ties of friendship and Islamic brotherhood in brotherhood between fellow Muslims or brotherhoods bound by aqidah/faith without distinguishing between groups of brothers, especially ta,awun "helping each other in good and forsake evil." Moreover, by sacrificing where the meat is distributed to those who sacrifice, the community, relatives, friends and a third to the poor as based on the word of Allah SWT in Surah QS. Al Hajj verse 36.

Besides sacrificing, it is an act of strengthening social ties and helping reduce economic inequality. In everyday life, we can also learn to care about the people around us who need help, whether in material, emotional or spiritual form.

This means that sacrificial activities are just slaughtering and distributing meat involving cooperation between individuals, families and communities. However, it also strengthens relationships between people and expands the circle of solidarity in society, especially strengthening relationships between companies and local communities.

What is even more important is strengthening social and community networks by involving active participation from various levels of society, one of which is through concrete steps by supporting local breeders as providers of sacrificial animals.

Of course, this is in line with Pelindo's commitment to supporting sustainable development in Indonesia. Through the TJSL program, we support the government's efforts to reduce poverty and improve the welfare of communities throughout Indonesia

This Qurban Sharing Program is not only implemented within PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Pontianak and its Pelindo Group subsidiaries, but also throughout all Pelindo Group port operational areas spread throughout Indonesia. By implementing this program, we hope to provide benefits to the community around the company's environment.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Pontianak hopes that the activity of distributing sacrificial animals will not only provide benefits to direct recipients, but will also be an inspiration for all parties to continue to contribute to strengthening social relations.

As well as increasing sensitivity and empathy as well as strengthening awareness of the importance of supporting local breeders and the community in supporting sustainable development.

(ISL News Editorial/Pelindo Regioal 2 Pontianak Public Relations). 


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  • PELINDO Regional 2 PONTIANAK Distributes 26 Ekor Sapi Qurban Iedul Adha 1445 Hijriah to Communities Around the Port


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