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MTI Multi SCM and TERMINAL TELUK LAMONG Synergy in Using RTG Loading and Unloading Equipment

12/06/24, 13:49 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-12T06:50:47Z

  – PT Multi Terminal Indonesia (PT MTI) continues to make efforts to increase revenue through cooperation and synergy with Pelindo Group companies. One of them is cooperation on loading and unloading equipment with PT Terminal Teluk Lamong. Wednesday, (12/06/2024).

This collaboration is a real form of synergy between Pelindo Group subsidiaries, where after a series of comprehensive discussions, the relocation of 2 (two) units of loading and unloading equipment finally began on Monday 10 June 2024.

The loading process is estimated to be completed on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The ship is planned to sail from Pier 005 Tanjung Priok Port on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 to Teluk Lamong Terminal, Surabaya.

The relocation of the 2 (two) RTGC units belonging to PT MTI was carried out using a 270 feet barge to the Teluk Lamong Terminal.

For information, PT MTI as a logistics company also collaborates with several competent and experienced vendors in Jakarta and Surabaya.

PLT Main Director of PT MTI who also doubles as Director of Operations, Yandri Trisaputra, said that this collaboration is intended to support the performance of loading and unloading services at the Teluk Lamong Terminal to be more productive and efficient so that it will have an impact on accelerating berthing time at the Teluk Lamong Terminal.

It was also said that the presence of 2 (two) RTG MTI units at the Teluk Lamong Terminal is expected to be able to increase field capacity (unlocking capacity) from previously using the Reach Stacker loading and unloading tool replaced by the RTGC tool.

"MTI's collaboration with Teluk Lamong Terminal is not the first time that MTI has previously deployed a trucking fleet to support haulage activities at Teluk Lamong Terminal," he concluded.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • MTI Multi SCM and TERMINAL TELUK LAMONG Synergy in Using RTG Loading and Unloading Equipment


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