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Pelindo Terminal Container or SPTP Continues Transformation at 32 Container Terminals

29/05/24, 07:01 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-29T00:05:07Z

 PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (SPTP) will continue the transformation process to improve services at 32 container terminals managed by the company. The transformation process has been carried out by SPTP since 2021 and is planned to be completed in 2025. The transformation of the container terminal was carried out by SPTP in 2 main aspects, namely standardization and operational systemization.

PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas Corporate Secretary Widyaswendra said that by the end of 2023, SPTP had carried out standardization at 24 terminals and systemization at 7 terminals. In 2024, SPTP will continue standardization in 8 terminals and systemization in 10 terminals. Meanwhile, in 2025, the transformation process will continue with systemization in 15 terminals.

"We carry out standardization starting from improving operational HR skills, planning and control-based operational patterns, safety, to terminal facilities and equipment, while for systemization we will equip container terminals with the same terminal operating system for all terminals in the SPTP environment, " explained Widyaswendra, Tuesday (28/05/2024).

Widyaswendra said that the 8 container terminals that will be standardized in 2024 include TPK Banjarmasin, TPK Kendari, TPK Merauke, TPK Ternate, TPK Bagendang, TPK Bumiharjo, Berlian Terminal (BJTI) and East Kalimantan Kariangau Terminal. Meanwhile, systemization will begin at TPK Sorong, TPK Nilam, TPK Kupang, TPK Bitung, TPK Jayapura, IPC TPK Jambi, IPC TPK Teluk Bayur, TPS Surabaya, IPC TPK TP 1 and IPC TPK TP 2.

East Java ALFI/ILFA Chairman Sebastian Wibisono said that container terminal services are getting better thanks to the transformation carried out by PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas. Systemization and digitalization also make it easier for service users to access the services provided by container terminals.

"Communication with service users is also well established so that if there are problems with the service, they immediately receive a response and receive attention from the terminal," said Sebastian.

(Editorial ISL News/Corcom SPTP/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Terminal Container or SPTP Continues Transformation at 32 Container Terminals


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