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Optimizing Performance, Pelindo Regional 2 Successfully Provides Services to 243 Thousand Pemudik Lebaran IEdul Fitri 2024

29/04/24, 17:20 WIB Last Updated 2024-04-29T10:25:07Z

  PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), especially Regional 2, has successfully provided services for 243 thousand pemudik Lebaran iedul Fitri 1445 H.

Regional 2 Executive Director Drajat Sulistyo said that from D-15 of Eid (26/3) to H+15 (25/4) Pelindo Regional 2 had served 243 thousand homecoming travelers through 9 ports in the Regional 2 area.

"We, Pelindo Regional 2, have supported the government's program in smoothing the Pemudik and Arus Balik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 2024. This smooth Pemudik is the result of the coordination of all Pelindo Regional 2 branches who continue to work hard 24/7 and are tireless in providing facilities and security and convenience for travelers." Said Drajat.

Of the 9 ports, Ciwandan Banten Port has served 103 thousand homecoming travelers, followed by Tanjung Priok Port with 56 thousand Pemudik travelers, then Pontianak Port with 30 thousand Pemudik travelers, Pangkal Balam Port with 14 thousand homecoming travelers, Teluk Bayur Port with 30 thousand pemudik travelers. 13 thousand pemudik travelers, Tanjung Pandan Port with 9 thousand pemudik travelers, Panjang Port with 7 thousand pemudik travelers, Palembang Port with 6 thousand pemudik travelers and Bengkulu Port with 874 pemudik travelers.

The current number has increased by 194% compared to 2023, which only amounted to 125 thousand passengers and travelers are dominated by Tanjung Priok Port with a total of 51 thousand passengers, while in 2024 the largest number of travelers will be at Ciwandan Port in Banten with 103 thousand travelers.

Drajat added that in order to realize security and comfort, Pelindo Regional 2 has provided additional parking lots (Buffer Zones) and back up areas, especially at Ciwandan Port, Banten and Panjang Port, Lampung because they are the two unloading ports of Merak and Bakauheni Ports.

The success of the smooth homecoming flow certainly cannot be separated from the cooperation of relevant port stakeholders including ASDP, KSOP, and the police in each branch.

"It is hoped that in the future, collaboration between Pelindo Regional 2 with the Police, Regional Government, other government agencies and stakeholders including PT ASDP as the provider of ferry services, can map and predict the needs of travelers both in terms of facilities, traffic and the number of transport fleets for "can optimize the Pemudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri service so that it can provide a sense of security and comfort which is the key to optimizing the Pemudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri service in the coming year," concluded Drajat.

(ISL News Editorial/Pelindo Regional Public Relations 2/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Optimizing Performance, Pelindo Regional 2 Successfully Provides Services to 243 Thousand Pemudik Lebaran IEdul Fitri 2024


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