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JICT, Happy 25th Anniversary, More Progress for Indonesia

03/04/24, 11:54 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-11T23:57:28Z


 Can't believe it, yesterday Monday, April 1 2024, PT Jakarta International Container Terminal has entered its 25th year since its founding on April 1 1999.

25 years of age is certainly an increasingly mature age in Container Operator Terminal Services, especially Container Flow from Hinterland in Jakarta and West Java.

"Therefore, we wish PT JICT congratulations and success, and further progress, contributing more in the form of dividends to the Indonesian Nation and State," said Saiful, Editor-in-Chief of ISL News (www.indonesiashippinglne.com & www.islnewstv.com)..

"Congratulations and success to the Managing Director, Mr. Ade Hartono, who has brought JICT to its current performance, Aamiin," he added.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).      


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  • JICT, Happy 25th Anniversary, More Progress for Indonesia


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