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The Directorate General of Sea Transportation FACILITATES The Return AN Indonesian Ship Crew Who Died on the MV. 2 HESIN SHIP

17/03/24, 09:48 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-19T07:02:57Z


 Ministry of Transportation cq. The Directorate General of Sea Transportation facilitated the repatriation of 3 (three) bodies of crew members (ABK) MV.2 HESIN who died due to a capsized ship accident on an island in the coastal city of Tongyeong, South Korea, on Saturday (9/3/2024) morning. local.

Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Hartanto, said that the Indonesian Government, in this case the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through the South Korean Embassy quickly coordinated to identify the victims who died in the incident. The 3 (three) bodies of crew members who have been successfully repatriated are Safrudin, Maulana Mansyur, and R. Arie Permana.

"After hearing the news, we immediately coordinated with the Indonesian Embassy's Transportation Attaché in South Korea and the competent authorities in South Korea, to ensure the return of the 3 (three) bodies to Indonesia," he said, Saturday (16/3).

He revealed that the Ministry of Transportation, PWNI Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the manning agency company holding the SIUPPAK also expressed their deep condolences for the heartbreaking incident that happened to the crew of the MV.2 HESIN.

Following up on this, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, is ready to oversee and facilitate the heirs to obtain the rights of these seafarers in accordance with those stated in the maritime work agreement.

"We have summoned the manning agency company together with the victim's family as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that all seafarers' rights can be immediately fulfilled by the ship owner," he added.

This, continued Hartanto, is a concrete form of the Indonesian government's commitment to protecting and fighting for the rights of Indonesian seafarers who work on international ships.

The body was returned to Indonesia and arrived at Soekarno-Hatta Airport (cargo terminal) on March 16 2024 at 15.30 WIB. The body pick-up ceremony at the airport was attended directly by representatives of the South Korean Ambassador, representatives of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Manning agency companies holding SIUPPAK, BP2MI, as well as the families of the deceased.

(ISL News Editorial/HUBLA Public Relations/emai:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • The Directorate General of Sea Transportation FACILITATES The Return AN Indonesian Ship Crew Who Died on the MV. 2 HESIN SHIP


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