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PT BKI (Persero) Holds Safari Ramadhan 1445 Hijriah as a momentum to socialize corporate purpose "One Family, One Purpose"

17/03/24, 14:44 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-17T07:44:36Z

 PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) ("BKI") as the holding company of the Palembang branch of the BUMN Survey Services Holding, held a Ramadhan Safari event with the theme "Uniting the Spirit, Towards Victory Day" on Thursday, March 14 2024 at the BKI Office Palembang Class Intermediate Branch.

In this holy month, IDSurvey will carry out Ramadan safaris to a number of branches throughout Indonesia to strengthen relationships and build friendship between IDSurvey people. This activity is also a momentum to socialize the corporate purpose "One Family, One Purpose" that We Exist for the safety of your family and mine.

This Ramadan Safari activity is a form of friendship for all IDSurvey employees. This activity was attended by the Main Director of IDSurvey, Mr. Arisudono Soerono, the Director of Human Resources of PT Sucofindo, Mr. Johanes Nanang Marjianto, the Commercial Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Mr. Saifuddin Wijaya.

On this occasion, Mr. Arisudono Soerono provided motivation and raised the spirit of unity, kinship and harmony among the IDSurvey extended family so that they continue to work together and achieve IDSurvey's goals.

On this occasion, the President Director of IDSurvey also gave a question and answer session for IDSurvey employees. From the question and answer session, Mr. Arisudono conveyed a message to young employees in the IDSurvey environment to be able to continue to innovate and provide innovative ideas for company management and improve existing competencies. .

In this activity, Mr. Arisudono Soerono also advised all IDSurvey entities in Palembang to continue to actively hold activities aimed at increasing kinship and togetherness so that a sense of harmony and spirit of mutual cooperation can continue to grow within the IDSurvey environment.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@g,mail.com).

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  • PT BKI (Persero) Holds Safari Ramadhan 1445 Hijriah as a momentum to socialize corporate purpose "One Family, One Purpose"


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