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Shareholders Appoint Budi Pratomo as Director of JPPI

13/03/24, 06:40 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-12T23:42:29Z

  – Last week, March 4 2024. at the Office, PT Jasa Equipment Pelabuhan Indonesia (JPPI), Rukindo Building, North Jakarta, the Handover of the Positions of Directors and Commissioners of JPPI took place which will be effective from March 1 2024 .

The composition of the new JPPI Commissioners and Directors is as follows:

Board of Commissioners :

Main Commissioner: Basuki Soleh                                                                              

Independent Commissioner: Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo

Commissioner : Adi Priyatmono


Main Director: Budi Pratomo

Director of Engineering and Operations: Nurhadi

Director of Finance, HR and Risk Management: Roy FH Simanjuntak

"Changes in the composition of the company's Board of Directors are under the full authority of JPPI shareholders. JPPI management would like to thank the contribution and dedication of Mr. Paul July Supatrio, who previously served as Plt. "The President Director is also the Director of Engineering and Operations at JPPI and would like to express his gratitude for the contribution and dedication of Mr. M. Imron Zubaidy, who previously served as Commissioner of JPPI," said Vidyah Payapo, Corporate Secretary of JPPI.

The hope is that with the inauguration of this new composition, JPPI can optimally achieve the Company's targets in 2024 and the years to come.

(ISL News Editorial/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).


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  • Shareholders Appoint Budi Pratomo as Director of JPPI


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